Copy of 5 Step Action Plans for ELL

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Copy of 5 Step Action Plans for ELL by Mind Map: Copy of 5 Step Action Plans for ELL

1. Support from Home / Parents

1.1. Who will carry out the step?

1.1.1. Teachers

1.1.2. Parents

1.2. What is the step (description)?

1.2.1. Teacher creates homework, and communicate with parents to work on the specific areas.

1.2.2. Constant communication with parents to discuss with the child's goal.

1.2.3. Ask parents to work on the homework with the child.

1.3. Where will it take place?

1.3.1. At home.

1.4. When will it take place?

1.4.1. After School

1.5. Why is the step important?

1.5.1. ELL students will need extra support to gain linguistic skill by learning vocabularies, practicing grammar, hearing and speaking.

1.6. How will the step be carried out?

1.6.1. Teacher will direct to use assistive technology, such as google chrome, Reading Assistant, Kurzweil Educational Systems's Kurzweil 3000, Lexia Reading, and MindPlay's My Reading Coach

2. Help Students learn English /  Pronunciation.

2.1. Who will carry out the step?

2.1.1. ELL teacher

2.1.2. Classroom teacher

2.2. What is the step (description)?

2.2.1. Proper placement on English learners' level by assessing them.

2.2.2. Identify the areas that ELL students need support.

2.2.3. Class room teachers and specialists work closely with ELL teachers to collaborate the areas that ELL students need simultaneously.

2.2.4. Involve parents to give aid for the child.

2.3. Where will it take place?

2.3.1. In the classroom

2.3.2. Outside school

2.3.3. At home

2.4. When will it take place?

2.4.1. During the class, Pull out / pull in

2.4.2. Before and after school hours.

2.5. Why is the step important?

2.5.1. Without the English language comprehension,  the ELL students will be behind the academic needs by not understanding core subjects.

2.5.2. By interacting with English speakers in day to day life will gain social language skills, but in order to achieve academically, the ELL students need academic language skills as well.

2.5.3. Sooner the ELL students develop the English skills, sooner the students can participates and be included in discussion.

2.6. How will the step be carried out?

2.6.1. The teachers will observe the students and identify where the needs are to develop English language skill, and prioritize the lists; Listening, reading, speaking & writing.

2.6.2. Choose the assistive technologies for the ELL students and make plans and schedule to work on the specific areas; Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing

2.6.3. Monitor, evaluate, and report the progress.

2.6.4. The classroom teacher works closely with an ELL teacher and other specialists to develop lesson plan for the students.

3. Welcome Students

3.1. Who will carry out the step?

3.1.1. Principals, Administrators, Teachers, Parents

3.2. What is the step (description)?

3.2.1. Welcoming the students, showing how the foreign students are welcoming in the school.

3.2.2. Greeting them in their language

3.3. Where will it take place?

3.3.1. In the School Newsletter / email blast to introduce the new comer.

3.3.2. At the entrance of the school to greed in the morning and after school.

3.3.3. In the auditorium

3.3.4. In the classroom

3.3.5. At the hallway

3.4. When will it take place?

3.4.1. When students are enrolled in the school

3.4.2. Everyday

3.5. Why is the step important?

3.5.1. It is important for students, as well as the parents to aware that everyone is welcome and a part of the community.

3.6. How will the step be carried out?

3.6.1. Introduce their background in the newsletter / Email blast in prior to their arrival.

3.6.2. The principals and teachers can stand at the entrance of the school to greed them in their language.

3.6.3. If the teachers see those students at the Hallway, they give high-5 to let them know they are noticed, not ghost in the school.

3.6.4. At their arrival, the school will have assembly to introduce the students.

4. Celebrate Diversity

4.1. Who will carry out the step?

4.1.1. The classroom teacher

4.1.2. Speciality teacher

4.1.3. Classmates

4.1.4. The PTA

4.2. What is the step (description)?

4.2.1. Researching the National Holiday of both Korean and Japanese, and celebrate the day as a school.

4.2.2. For the specific holidays, asking cafeteria to prepare foods for the specific foods for the celebration day.

4.2.3. Collaborate each speciality teachers to create theme for the celebration.

4.3. Where will it take place?

4.3.1. In the Playground, gym, or the classroom. Depends on the weather and the size of the holiday.

4.4. When will it take place?

4.4.1. During the lunch and after lunch recess time. Teachers and Admin can schedule to let all of the students to celebrate the traditional holidays for each culture.

4.4.2. Weekend picnic.

4.4.3. Mid-summer get together.

4.5. Why is the step important?

4.5.1. To learn about each other.

4.5.2. To learn about other cultures other than the living countries.

4.5.3. To create one community with diverse culture.

4.6. How will the step be carried out?

4.6.1. The diverse celebration can be an annual event knowing the populations of the students. If the populations is smaller, it can plan a month in prior. Have PTA and parents to involve as well as all of the teachers and Admin. to decorate, send out the newsletters, and emails.

4.6.2. Prepare some of the books about their countries, culture, traditions and holidays at free-reading section.

5. Pair with them with a friend

5.1. Who will carry out the step?

5.1.1. The homeroom teacher and the speciality teacher to match up the pair.

5.1.2. The ELL student and a native English speaking students (not limited to one, a few students can help ELL students in different situation. see below "why").

5.2. What is the step (description)?

5.2.1. Show and guide around the school.

5.2.2. Help to produce a project.

5.2.3. Work the class assignments collaboratively.

5.3. Where will it take place?

5.3.1. In the school

5.3.2. Outside of the school

5.4. When will it take place?

5.4.1. Between the classes

5.4.2. During the class

5.4.3. After school

5.5. Pair with a friend for tasks.

5.6. Why is the step important?

5.6.1. Most of the children are willing to help others, especially for the ELL students. But sometimes  assigning specific person for specific topics can go smoothly. For example, assigning a musically talented student for ELL, a physically coordinated student for P.E., and an academically high scored student for academic subject etc. By doing so, everyone in the class can help the ELL student so the student can gain the sense of being a part of the community, and they all can get to know the student.

5.7. How will the step be carried out?

5.7.1. First will be assigned person to try out the process, and gradually the ELL student can be independently learn and communicate with others, and other students can help the ELL student without be assigned.