1. Teacher
1.1. plan lessons, deliver instruction
1.1.1. provide access
1.2. differentiate process, product, content
1.2.1. accommodate all learners’ needs
1.2.2. incorporate Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
1.3. know curriculum
1.3.1. align with state standards
1.3.2. align with AASL standards
1.4. impact student achievement
1.5. assess for learning
1.5.1. evaluate and report outcomes
1.6. model ethical practices
1.6.1. cite sources
1.6.2. copyright and Fair Use compliance
1.7. integrate technology appropriately
1.8. life-long learner
1.9. listen, communicate
1.10. guide, coach, mentor
2. Instructional Partner
2.1. collaborate
2.1.1. listen, be flexible
2.1.2. coordinate, share resources
2.1.3. team builder
2.1.4. be proactive
2.2. make cross-curricular connections
2.3. help integrate technology
2.3.1. be a life-long learner
2.3.2. innovate; try new tools, be open to new strategies
2.3.3. negotiate, solve problems
2.3.4. train teachers and guide students
2.3.5. model ethical and appropriate use
2.4. integrate information literacy skills across content areas
2.5. communicate and guide
3. Information Specialist
3.1. evaluate and select resources
3.2. provide equal and flexible access
3.2.1. accommodate users’ needs
3.3. model copyright compliance and ethical use of information & resources
3.4. manage library website content
3.4.1. accessible
3.4.2. useful
3.4.3. usable
3.5. provide professional development
3.5.1. network
3.5.2. share resources and skills
3.6. integrate technology appropriately
3.7. assist students, teachers, staff
3.8. research, innnovate, troubleshoot, solve problems
3.9. model critical thinking
4. Program Administrator
4.1. develop and maintain collection, library programs and services
4.1.1. promotion
4.1.2. marketing
4.1.3. community outreach
4.1.4. event planning
4.1.5. data analysis
4.1.6. strategic planning; policies, procedures
4.1.7. advocacy
4.1.8. professional development and networking
4.1.9. publicity
4.2. manage financial resources
4.2.1. grant writing
4.2.2. fundraising
4.2.3. purchasing
4.3. manage physical resources
4.3.1. create optimal environment for teaching and learning accessibility interior design maintenance
4.4. manage human resources
4.4.1. recruit, train, and supervise volunteers