Academic Integrity

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Academic Integrity by Mind Map: Academic Integrity

1. What is Academic Integrity?

1.1. The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities says academic integrity at MU rests upon the Statement of Values:

1.1.1. "The University of Missouri-Columbia, as the state's major land-grant university, honors the public trust placed in it and accepts the associated accountability to the people of Missouri for its stewardship of that trust. Our duty is to acquire, create, transmit, and preserve knowledge, and to promote understanding. We the students, faculty, and staff of MU hold the following values to be the foundation of our identity as a community. We pledge ourselves to act, in the totality of our life together, in accord with these values."

1.2. "Academic honesty is expected of all members of the University of Missouri community. Charges of academic dishonesty are taken seriously and can, if a student is found guilty, carry serious consequences," according to the Advising department.

1.2.1. To learn more about academic integrity and honesty from the Advising department at MU, click on the arrow. You must read all of the information on this web page.

2. Standard of Conduct Guidelines

2.1. The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities at MU says, "A student enrolling in the University assumes an obligation to behave in a manner compatible with the University's function as an educational institution.

2.1.1. Click on the arrow to read through all the guidelines. As a student, you must read through these guidelines, and you will be tested on your knowledge of them in the quiz.