Youth Leadership Development Program ( YMCA)

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Youth Leadership Development Program ( YMCA) by Mind Map: Youth Leadership Development Program ( YMCA)

1. Services Provided by the YMCA: The Youth leadership program offers many services to children and their families. from free tutoring , free english classes ( many youths who join this program are new comers so english is not their first language), They offer youth substance abuse programs, youth gambling awareness programs , free resume workshops, free youth teen nights ( which allow all youths to come together every Saturday night from 8-10pm and socialize and make new friends , the Saturday night service is free )

2. How are the programs/Services accessed: To become apart of the YMCA youth leadership program , firstly it’s free! All you have to do is visit the closest ymca to your area, they are located everywhere .. Simply go in and speak to a youth leadership program coordinator. If you go onto the YMCA’S website there is also a contact e-mail for further information.

3. Other Information about the Youth Leadership Program: Designed especially for youth between 11 and 18 years old, the program takes the best of today’s youth and helps them become the leaders of tomorrow. YLD combines leadership training, teamwork, self-government, and volunteer placement to help build confidence – and connections. This program can open doors for you, giving you the opportunity to • Meet other youth • Build new skills • Participate and get involved in your community • Earn volunteer hours

4. Visit their website for more information on their program!!

5. Vision/Goal of the Ymca YLD Program:Make new friends, develop your potential, and get involved in your community.

6. How does the agency address equity, inclusion and awareness of cultural diversity??    This agency really addresses topic B which was that of cultural diversity.  The culturally responsive pedagogy states the following “Culture goes much deeper than typical understandings of ethnicity, race and/or faith. It encompasses broad notions of similarity and difference and it is reflected in our students’ multiple social identities and their ways of knowing and of being in the world. In order to ensure that all students feel safe, welcomed and accepted, and inspired to succeed in a culture of high expectations” ( Pg 1) . I feel that this agency really pertains to that, as the Youth leadership program is essentially for new comers to Canada who want to succeed and learn new skills. It allows students to come together in a community based program and feel welcome in our society, it teaches them basic skills , it boosts their confidence by interacting with others on a regular basis and makes them feel welcome and placed. This agency focuses on cultural diversity as all youths from every type of cultural background are welcome. It brings different cultures together and creates a unifying experience for these children.