1. week 4
1.1. Cheering Mascot
1.2. TCP Challenge
1.3. HTTP
1.3.1. Intro to HTTP
1.3.2. HTTP: The protocol every web developer must know
1.3.3. HTTP Challenge
1.3.4. HTTP Server Challenge
1.3.5. HTTP defense
1.3.6. HTTP API Challenge
1.3.7. Recent Tweets
1.3.8. Tweet Now! Command Line Interface
1.3.9. HTTP Basics
1.4. Sinatra
1.4.1. Intro to Sinatra
1.4.2. Snitching on Sinatra
1.4.3. Sinatra Sandbox
1.4.4. Singing with Sinatra
1.4.5. Sinatra Github
1.4.6. Lil' Twitter
1.5. Active Record
1.5.1. Active Record Design Your Own
1.5.2. AR Associations Drill: At the Races
1.5.3. Advanced Active Record Associations
1.5.4. AR Associations Drill: Hotels
1.5.5. AR Associations Drill: Shirts
1.6. API
1.6.1. Github API Client
1.7. Anagrams Web Application
1.8. Sinatra URL Shortener Challenge
1.9. Blog 1 Anonymous Blog Challenge
1.10. REST
1.10.1. REST
1.10.2. CRUD with Sinatra and RESTFUL Routing
1.10.3. CRUD with Sinatra and RESTFUL Routing Live Coding
1.10.4. REST Controller Challenge
1.10.5. Annotated REST routes sample
1.11. Anagrams 2
1.12. Craigslist Jr
1.13. Heroku
1.13.1. Heroku 1 Getting Started
1.14. User Auth
1.14.1. bycrypt
1.14.2. Sessions & User Authentication
1.14.3. Dummy Users - User Registration and Authentication
1.14.4. Blog 2
1.14.5. URL shortener with users
1.14.6. Sessions & User Authentication
1.15. EE Microagressions
1.15.1. If you think women in tech...
1.15.2. Stop Acting So Surprised
1.15.3. Racial Fault Lines
1.16. Agile
1.16.1. AGILE how to
1.16.2. Agile Manifesto
1.17. Cookies
1.17.1. Rack Cookies and Commands injection
1.17.2. Sessions and Cookies
1.17.3. Password Security with BCrypt
1.18. Git
1.18.1. Working with Teams
1.18.2. merging vs rebasing
1.18.3. Version Control
1.19. Web Flashcards Challenge
1.20. Self-Assessment
1.21. Javascript
1.21.1. Javascript
1.21.2. Javascript from Ruby Challenge
1.22. HTML / CSS
1.22.1. Layout Drill: Basic Form Styling
1.22.2. Learn CSS Layout
1.22.3. Layout Drill: Left-Hand Navigation
1.22.4. Layout Drill: Right-Hand Navigation
1.22.5. Layout Drill: Proper Typesetting
2. week 5
2.1. Javascript
2.1.1. Roman Numerals
2.1.2. Javascript ToDos
2.1.3. JavaScript Basics Braintree course
2.1.4. JavaScript Reference Card
2.1.5. A re-introduction to JavaScript
2.1.6. JavaScript Scoping and 'this'
2.1.7. JavaScript Prototype
2.1.8. Understanding JavaScript Prototypes
2.2. OOJS
2.2.1. Bikes and Stations
2.2.2. Garden
2.2.3. OOJS Todos
2.2.4. OOJS Etsy
2.2.5. OOJS Orange Tree
2.2.6. OOJS Lecture
2.2.7. OOJS Zoo Example
2.2.8. OOJS for Coyotes
2.2.9. MVC OOJS Racer Live Code
2.2.10. Diff between Object Literal and Instance Object in JavaScript
2.2.11. Object Literals vs Constructor Functions
2.2.12. The basics of OOJS
2.3. jQuery
2.3.1. The Mystery of the jQuery Object
2.3.2. Style Editor
2.3.3. Tabbed Interface
2.3.4. Adding Comments
2.3.5. Orange Trees
2.3.6. Collapsible Side-Menu
2.3.7. Client-Side Form Validations
2.3.8. Intro to jQuery
2.3.9. Into to jQuery
2.3.10. jQuery docs
2.4. AJAX
2.4.1. AJAX Intro
2.4.2. Cheering Mascot Round Two
2.4.3. AJAXifying Hacker News
2.4.4. Lucky AJAX
2.4.5. CRUD & AJAX
2.4.6. Live Coding from Lecture
2.4.7. Intro to AJAX
2.4.8. Debugging AJAX
2.4.9. AJAX Intro
2.5. JSON
2.5.1. Simon Says
2.6. Polymorphic Associations
2.6.1. Polymorphic Associations
2.6.2. Polymorphic Associations in Rails
2.7. DBC Overflow
2.8. Connect Four
2.9. Learning Competencies Self Assessment
2.10. Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge
2.11. HR Sinatra Refactor Challenge
2.12. JS Racer 1
2.13. JS Racer 2
2.14. API
2.14.1. Build an API Challenge
2.14.2. Github API Client
3. week 6
3.1. AJAX
3.1.1. ToDo List
3.2. CRUD & Sinatra
3.2.1. Hacker News Clone part 1
3.2.2. Hacker News Clone part 2
3.3. ActiveRecord Validations
3.3.1. Intro Validations
3.3.2. Event App Validations
3.4. ActiveRecord Associations
3.4.1. Shirts!
3.4.2. At the Races
3.4.3. Teams & Leages
3.5. Refactoring
3.5.1. HR Sinatra Refactor
3.6. HTTP
3.6.1. HTTP Server
3.6.2. HTTP Defence
3.6.3. HTTP API