Pacific Child
by Lemuel Villamar
1. Effects of social media on child behaviors
2. Child is not interested with what’s happening in school
3. Not made aware of risks and hazards and how to be safe
4. Child doesn’t feel safe in school
5. Children cannot go to school by boat on bad weather
6. Not ready for school
7. Starts school late
8. Religious Group
9. Health Center
10. TBA
11. Youth cannot join activities if not in the same church group
12. Church has monthly gathering – opportunity for advocacy
13. Children stigmatized/ discriminated if Parents are PLHIV, etc.
14. Health workers cannot visit villages because of transport challenges (boat)
15. Geographic Isolation (many implications)
16. School
17. Not protected - abused
18. School is not teaching life skills or not good standard
19. Adolescent drop out
20. Lack of opportunities, adolescents out of school
21. Children don’t go to school but sell roti parcels in CBDs or roadside
22. Schools also use physical means to keep students “in-line”
23. Child doesn’t have access to water/toilets in school
24. Child does not have access to Early Childhood Care and Education
25. Cost of Education (actual)
26. No Toilets
27. No Dignity
28. No soap to wash hands
29. No safe water
30. Institutions
31. Urban settlements
32. Referral systems for child vicitms of violence support by Govenment
33. Child-friendly spaces
34. Family bonding via child...
35. Traditional resolution of conflict imposed on child (girls)
36. Village
37. Grouping Area
38. Traditional Meeting Place/Hall
39. Not safe
40. Can't play
41. Community accepts beating – Keep harmony
42. Cultural taboos, social norms prevents victims from reporting incidents of child abuse
43. Harmful social norms – Gender roles/culture of violence, etc
44. Practices harmful to children
45. Community
46. Child is malnourished
47. Child is not vaccinated
48. Not breastfed
49. Child is beaten
50. Sexually abused but not reported/ helped
51. Child is not healthy/active Always sick (diarrhea, etc.)
52. NCD’s
53. Motherless due to birth complications
54. No confidence in the future
55. Not going to school
56. Child is affected by disasters
57. Developmental delays
58. Child has special needs not met
59. Not registered (birth registration)
60. Child is vulnerable to poverty
61. Child dies/does not survive
62. Lack of stimulation
63. Lack of general self-awareness
64. No voice
65. Adolescent child gets pregnant/sex
66. Child/adolescent does not make good “life” decisions
67. Parents
68. Grandparents
69. Family
70. Aunts/Uncles
71. Some Community Caregivers
72. Mother’s poor health and health care during pregnancy and/or birth delivery complications
73. Parents don’t know consequences of beating
74. Parents not aware of adolescent’s brain/physical development stages
75. Do not know the importance of vaccination
76. Lack/no awareness of birth registration process (Accessibility issues)
77. No knowledge on how/where to get help/support
78. Parents lack the means (knowledge/ finance)
79. Child sells him/herself for the family she/he is staying with, to earn
80. Not aware of risks and hazards and how to address them
81. Family has no toilet
82. No proper food
83. Rearing practices
84. Selling children
85. Language constraints
86. Subnational level
87. Institution
88. Not clear on their roles/responsibilities
89. Don’t always have $$ to bring about change at community level
90. Poor implementation of laws and policies for children
91. NGOs in selected areas
92. Develop right policies
93. Lack of coordination at national and provincial level (Planning, monitor)
94. National level
95. Low
96. Child has no legal protection against violence, abuse, exploitation
97. Police lack capacity to handle child/ren as victims, witnesses &/or offenders
98. Political Instability
99. No Social Protection Provision
100. No program on risk reduction
101. Week (economic policy) enabling environment for adolescents
102. Inadequate systems and services – not accessible… (health/protection/ education)
103. Inadequate Government expe for social services
104. No laws/policies on birth registration
105. Weak systems in place
106. Government lacks capacity to deliver social services
107. No $$ at national level
108. Regional level
109. No common vision for priorities
110. Weak regional platform for South-south collaboration
111. Difficulty in mainstreaming regional frameworks
112. MSG, PIFs, PIDF etc. lack comprehension on implications in not investing in the child/ren subnational/national/regional
113. Children have no information about what is being done for them on this level
114. Lots of Pacific meetings, workshops, “regional” declarations, commitments, “Priorities”, strategies, frameworks…not many getcarried out at national level. So very little impact on real change for children of the Pacific