Chapter 2 : Multimedia Hardware and Software

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Chapter 2 : Multimedia Hardware and Software by Mind Map: Chapter 2 : Multimedia Hardware and Software

1. What You Need: 1) The Intangible 2) Multimedia Skills 3) Hardware 4) Software  5) Authoring System

2. 1) The Intangible: - Creativity - Organization  - Communication

3. 2) Multimedia Skills: - Own specialized skills  *Main roles in the team: -Project Manager -Multimedia Designer -Interface Designer -Writer -Audio/Video Specialist -Multimedia Programmer

4. 3) Hardware: - Production platforms - Windows vs. Macintosh - Connections - IDE  - USB  - Firewire - Memory and storage devices - Input devices  - Output devices

5. 4) Software: - Text editing and word processing tools - OCR software - Painting tools   - Drawing tools - 3-D modeling tools - Image editing tools  - Sound editing tools  - Animation, video, and digital movie tools

6. 5) Authoring System: - Organize and edit the multimedia elements of multimedia project. Design screen layouts(interface) using templates Create interactivity assembling diverse multimedia elements into a single, cohesive product. - Card- and page-based authoring tools  - Time-based authoring tools  - Objects  - Choosing an authoring tool  - Editing and organizing features   - Programming features  - Interactivity features  - Performance-tuning  - Playback features   - Delivery features  - Cross-platform - Internet-playability features

7. 1: Planning and Costing 2: Designing and Producing 3: Testing 4: Delivering

8. Multimedia Development Process

9. Planning and Costing: - Define the objectives and    scope. - Target users - Set the contents

10. Designing and Producing: - Perform each of the planned      tasks to create a finished            product.

11. Testing: - Alpha Testing - Beta Testing

12. Delivering: - Final stage - Package and deliver the              project to the end user.  - Be prepared to follow up            over time with tweaks,                repairs, and upgrades.