Empowerment Technologies

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Empowerment Technologies by Mind Map: Empowerment Technologies

1. Canvas

1.1. Account

1.2. Activity Stream

1.3. Announcements

1.4. Assignments

1.5. Beta

1.6. Breadcrumbs

1.7. Calendar

1.8. Canvas Community

1.9. Chat

1.10. Collaborations

1.11. Conferences

1.12. Conversations

1.13. Courses

1.14. Course Home Page

1.15. Course Import Tool

1.16. Course Navigation

1.17. Course Setup Checklist

1.18. Course Statistics

1.19. Course Status

1.20. CSV File

1.21. Dashboard

1.22. Discussions

1.23. ePortfolios

1.24. Files

1.25. Global Navigation

1.26. Gradebook

1.27. Grades

1.28. Groups

1.29. Help

1.30. Masquerade

1.31. Math Editor

1.32. Modules

1.33. Notifications

1.34. Outcomes

1.35. Pages

1.36. People

1.37. Production

1.38. Profile

1.39. Quizzes

1.40. Rich Content Editor

1.41. RSS Feed

1.42. Rubrics

1.43. Sections

1.44. Settings

1.45. SIS Imports

1.46. SpeedGrader

1.47. Student View

1.48. Service Cloud

1.49. Syllabus

1.50. Term

1.51. Test

1.52. Web Services

2. Current State of ICT

2.1. Information Communication Technology (ICT)

2.2. ICT and Society

2.2.1. Impact of ICT to Society

2.2.2. Impact of ICT in Education

2.2.3. Impact of ICT in Communication

2.2.4. Impact of ICT in Scientific Exploration

2.2.5. Impact of ICT in the Military

2.2.6. Impact of ICT in Economy

2.2.7. Impact of ICT in Recreation

2.2.8. Impact of ICT in Transportation

2.2.9. Impact of ICT in Knowledge Management

2.2.10. Impact of ICT in Information Institution

2.2.11. Impact of ICT on User Communities

2.3. Current Trends in ICT

2.3.1. Renewable Energy

2.3.2. Artificial Intelligence

2.3.3. Modular or Wearable Devices and Gadgets

2.3.4. 3D Printing

2.3.5. Wireless Connectivity, Wireless Networks and the Cloud

2.3.6. Virtual Reality and Immersion

2.3.7. Environmental Technology

2.3.8. Medical Technology

2.3.9. Security

2.3.10. Transportation

2.3.11. Drones

2.3.12. Video Games

2.3.13. Big Data

2.3.14. Holograms

3. Gartner's ICT Trends

3.1. world's leading information technology research and advisory company

4. Netiqette

4.1. Rule 1: Remember the human

4.2. Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life

4.3. Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace

4.4. Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth

4.5. Rule 5: Make yourself look good online

4.6. Rule 6: Share expert knowledge

4.7. Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control

4.8. Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy

4.9. Rule 9: Don't abuse your power

4.10. Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes


5.1. cross-platform image editor

5.2. free, open source image manipulation program

5.3. for photo retouching, image composition and image authoring

5.4. for GNU/Linux, OS X, Windows and more operating systems

6. MS Word

6.1. word processing program

6.2. to create documents and reports

7. MS Excel

7.1. computer program used to create electronic spreadsheets

7.2. can organize data ,create chart and perform calculations

7.3. allow user to create large spreadsheets, reference information, and it allows for better storage of information

8. MS PowerPoint

8.1. Rules

8.1.1. fonts

8.1.2. bullets

8.1.3. colors

8.1.4. balance

8.1.5. graphics

8.1.6. 10-20-30

9. Cybercitezenship

9.1. Social Networking

9.1.1. Social Network online community of people with a common interest who use a website to communicate with each other and share information, resources

9.1.2. Social Networking Site website that facilitates a social network

10. Internet and Research

10.1. research

10.1.1. studious inquiry

10.1.2. examination

10.1.3. expanding the current state of knowledge

10.1.4. Systematic Steps Identify a Problem Review related literature Formulate a Hypothesis Design methodologies or experiments Implement the experiments Gather results, draw conclusions, and create new knowledge

10.2. internet

10.2.1. end with .org/ .edu/ .gov

10.2.2. blogs or opinion editorials are not credible

11. Mind Mapping

11.1. MindMeister

11.2. mind map

11.2.1. type of spider diagramor concept map

11.2.2. consists of a centralized subject and related topics or ideas branching off

11.2.3. radiant structure

11.2.4. Benefits Helps you focus Enhances memory Fun Lets you structure your thoughts Efficient Easy Provides a great overview of a topic

11.2.5. Uses Brainstorming Note Taking Collecting and Structuring Information Summarizing Memorizing Collaboration Planning and Strategizing Presentations Decision Making Problem Solving

12. Computer Troubleshooting and Security