Justin Ferrari

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Justin Ferrari by Mind Map: Justin Ferrari

1. Interests

1.1. education

1.2. pretending to be good at sports

1.3. pretending to be good at ukulele

1.4. pretending to be good at reading (jk, have that down)

1.5. producing very amateurish photography

1.6. medicine

2. Values

2.1. intelligence

2.2. efficiency

2.3. generosity

2.4. sincerity

2.5. kindness

3. Jobs

3.1. current

3.1.1. business owner

3.1.2. academic tutor

3.2. past

3.2.1. emergency room medical scribe

3.2.2. laboratory research assistant

3.2.3. university chemistry instructor

3.2.4. bartender/enabler of alcoholism

4. Philosophy

4.1. live in the present; all you have is right now

4.2. perform each and every action with purpose

4.3. learn from - but don't dwell on - mistakes

4.4. embrace your capacity to do good for others

5. Big Projects

5.1. aplastic.io