Basic Switch Configuration

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Basic Switch Configuration by Mind Map: Basic Switch Configuration

1. Name

1.1. Switch# configure terminal

1.2. Switch(config)# hostname S1

2. Enable Secuirty

2.1. Privileged mode

2.1.1. S1(config)# enable secret class

2.1.2. S1(config)# service password-encryption

2.2. Console Port

2.2.1. S1(config)# line con 0

2.2.2. S1(config-line)# password cisco

2.2.3. S1(config-line)# login

2.2.4. S1(config-line)# logging synchronous

2.2.5. S1(config-line)# exec-timeout 5

2.2.6. S1(config-line)# exit

2.2.7. Local username and password S1(config-line)# login local S1(config)# username mike secret password

2.3. Telnet

2.3.1. S1(config)# line vty 0 15

2.3.2. S1(config-line)# password cisco

2.3.3. S1(config-line)# login

2.3.4. S1(config-line)# transport input all

2.3.5. S1(config-line)# history size 256

2.4. Secure Telnet

2.4.1. R1(config)#access-list 1 permit host

2.4.2. R1(config)#line vty 0 4

2.4.3. R1(config-line)#access-class 1 in

2.5. Connect to Telnet

2.5.1. R2#telnet

2.5.2. R2#telnet /source-interface loopback 0

2.6. SSH

2.6.1. S1(config)# ip domain-name netacad.pka

2.6.2. S1(config)# crypto key generate rsa

2.6.3. S1(config)# username administrator secret cisco

2.6.4. S1(config)# ip ssh version 2

2.6.5. S1(config)# line vty 0 15

2.6.6. S1(config-line)# login local

2.6.7. S1(config-line)# transport input ssh

2.6.8. S1(config-line)# no password cisco

3. DNS-Logging-Timeout- History

3.1. S1(config)# no ip domain-lookup

3.2. S1(config)#Logging synchronouse

3.3. S1(config)#exec-timeout 0 0

3.4. S1(config)# no Logging

3.5. S1(config)#terminal history size 20

3.6. S1(config-line)#history size 20

4. Banner

4.1. S1(config)# banner motd #Hello#

5. IP Address and Gateway

5.1. S1(config)# interface fasterethernet 0/1

5.2. S1(config-if)#ip address

5.3. S1(config-if)#exit

5.4. S1(config)# ip default-gateway

6. Save/Erase/Reboot

6.1. S1# copy running-config startup-config

6.2. S1# erase startup-config

6.3. S1# write erase

6.4. Switch# delete vlan.dat

6.5. S1# reload

6.6. S1#configure replace

7. Interface Configuration

7.1. S1(config)# interface fasterethernet 0/1

7.2. S1(config-if)# duplex auto

7.3. S1(config-if)# speed auto

7.4. S1(config-if)# mdix auto

7.5. S1(config-if)#description WAN

8. Show - Basics

8.1. Switch# show version

8.2. Switch# show flash

8.3. Switch# show history

8.4. Switch#show post

8.5. Switch> Show line

8.6. Switch# show running-config

8.7. Switch# show startup-config

8.8. Switch#show arp

8.9. Switch#show clock

8.10. Switch#show users

9. Show Interfaces

9.1. Switch# show interfaces fastethernet 0/1

9.2. Switch# show ip interface brief

9.3. Switch# show interfaces vlan1

9.4. Switch# show ip interface vlan1

9.5. S1# Show controllers ethernet-controller fa 0/1 phy | include Auto-MDIX

9.6. Switch#show interfaces

9.7. Switch#show interfaces status

10. Show/Clear MAC

10.1. Switch# show mac-address-table aging

10.2. S1# show mac address-table

10.3. S1# show mac address-table dynamic

10.4. S1# show mac address-table address <PC-A MAC here>

10.5. S1#clear mac address-table dynamic

11. Port Secuirty

11.1. Configure

11.1.1. S1(config)# interface range fa0/1 – 2

11.1.2. 1 Devic/Static/Dynamic/Max S1(config-if-range)# switchport port-security S1(config-if-range)# switchport port-security mac-address 2222.1111.1111 S1(config-if-range)# switchport port-security mac-address sticky S1(config-if-range)# switchport port-security maximum 10

11.1.3. Port Security modes S1(config-if-range)# switchport port-security violation shutdown S1(config-if-range)# switchport port-security violation protect S1(config-if-range)# switchport port-security violation restrict

11.2. Clear the violation counters

11.2.1. S1(config-if)#shutdown

11.2.2. S1(config-if)#no shutdown

11.3. Show

11.3.1. S1# show port-security interface

11.3.2. S1# show port-security interface fa0/2

12. CDP

12.1. Configuring CDP

12.1.1. Edmonton(config)#no cdp run

12.1.2. Edmonton(config-if)#no cdp enable

12.2. Verifying and Troubleshooting CDP

12.2.1. Router#show cdp

12.2.2. Router#show cdp neighbors

12.2.3. Router#show cdp neighbors detail

12.2.4. Router#show cdp entry word