conspiracy theories

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conspiracy theories by Mind Map: conspiracy theories

1. book of secets

1.1. a whole book of secrets that only the president knows

1.2. conspiracy theories involved in it

1.3. its hidden in a new place every time a new president is ellected

2. government control

2.1. they want to take control of us and our minds

2.2. they will let bad things happen to convence people that they need to lean on the government to protect us ultimitly giving up freedom

2.3. were oblivious to it

3. boston marathon

3.1. investigations on tv news prodcasts had been tampered with

3.2. blood in videos and pictures was displayed as bright red when its dark red

3.3. a way to increase body searches and things in airports and buildings,invading personal property.

4. 9/11

4.1. inbreachment on our secruity so that we hand over our freedom to the government in order to have protection

4.2. government indorced

5. sandy hook

5.1. actors?

5.2. same people photographer for it where also found in photos from the boston bombing

5.3. a way to have the government think we need more gun control so that they leave us defencless

6. landing on the moon

6.1. the footprints supposivly photographed on the moon dont match up with the tred on neil armstrongs space suit

6.2. the government keeping secrets of what was really descovered on the moon

7. sandy hook

7.1. another attempt go have more gun control

7.2. embreachment of our security in order for us to give up freedom for protection

7.3. the government to have more access to schools and student information