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Operating Systems by Mind Map: Operating Systems

1. Utility Programs

1.1. Disk Partitioning Tools

1.2. Disk Formatting Tools

1.3. File Compression

1.4. Disk Defragementation

1.5. Virus Checking

1.6. Backup

1.7. Search

1.8. Task Scheduler

2. Kernal

2.1. Passes Information between OS Components

2.2. Process Management

3. Memory Management

3.1. Allocating Resourcing

3.2. Security

3.3. Multitasking

4. User Interfaces

4.1. Form Filing

4.2. Menu Driven

4.3. Command Line Interface

4.4. Graphical User Interface

4.5. Natural Language Interface

5. File Management

5.1. Hierarchical Filing System

5.1.1. Ext2

5.1.2. FAT

5.1.3. FAT32

5.1.4. NTFS

5.2. Metadata

5.2.1. Attributes

5.2.2. Location

5.2.3. Size

5.2.4. Permission

6. Input/ Output

6.1. Peripheral

6.1.1. CharacterDevices

6.1.2. Block Devices

6.2. Direct Memory Access (DMA)

6.3. Device Drivers

6.4. Virtual Devices

6.5. Buffering

6.6. Plug and Play

6.6.1. Switch