Positive Thoughts =Increased Learning by Jonelle

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Positive Thoughts =Increased Learning by Jonelle por Mind Map: Positive Thoughts =Increased Learning by Jonelle

1. polite/friendly

1.1. has many friends

2. good attitude

2.1. has a bright future

3. pro-active

3.1. willing to ask questions

3.2. likes to meet others

4. not okay with mediocrity

4.1. has goals

4.2. always tries to improve

5. High Energy Level

5.1. cannot sleep well

5.2. cannot concentrate in school

6. optimistic

6.1. often feels cheerful

6.2. often smiles

7. high-self esteem

7.1. has a lot of confidence

7.2. feels hopeful

8. strong interest in learning

8.1. never gives up

8.2. feels like a winner