1. Reading
1.1. 3. Develop and apply skills and strategies to comprehend, analyze and evaluate nonfiction (e.g., narrative, information/explanatory, opinion, persuasive, argumentative) from a variety of cultures and times.
1.1.1. A. Text Features 6-12 Correlation Reading Informational 1A, 1C Read, infer and draw conclusions by: a. Students need to be able to use text descriptions to reiterate the “main idea.” b. Students need to be able to explain facts and details using words or pictures. The students then need to be able to determine which facts were provided by either the words or the pictures. c. Students need to be able to use text features to pinpoint particular information that is in writing. d. Students need to be able to follow written instructions with multiple steps, with picture reminders to help with the understanding process.
1.1.2. B. Literary Techniques 6-12 Correlation Reading Informational 1D, 2D, 2B, 2C Read, infer and draw conclusions by: a. Students need to be able to understand and notice a fiction and non-fiction book/story. b. Students need to be able to recognizing instances of sensory aspects.
1.1.3. C. Text Structures 6-12 Correlation Reading Informational 2A Read, infer and draw conclusions by a. Students need to be able to ask and answer questions in order to clarify the significance. b. Students need to be able to identify main ideas of a topic or story then be able to determine the supporting details of the main idea. c. Students need to be able to determine and explain the correlation between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information that are located in the text provided. d. Students need to be able to pinpoint motives an author gives to support details in a text. e. Students need to be able to pinpoint the compare and contrast the texts that are based on the same topic.
1.2. 4. Comprehend and Analyze Words, Images, Graphics, and Sounds in Various Media and Digital Forms to Impact Meaning.
1.2.1. A. Digital and Media Literacy 6-12 Correlation Reading Literary 3A With assistance develop an awareness of media literacy by: a. Students need to be able to understand and be able to establish the purpose of media. b. Students need to be able to explain techniques used involving the media.
1.3. B. Literary Techniques 6-12 Correlation Reading Informational 1D, 2D, 2B, 2C
1.4. Read, infer and draw conclusions by:
1.5. 1.A.1
1.5.1. Students can predict, ask and respond to questions, locate facts and details, five main ideas, realize there is a beginning, middle, and end, and monitor and their understanding after reading a book
1.6. 1.B.1
1.6.1. Students are broadening their vocab by understanding beginning of words and their root, difference between nouns and verbs, sorting words, using the dictionary, understanding compound words, and knowing what a word means and how to us it.
1.7. 1.C.1
1.7.1. Students can make connections between various texts
1.8. 1.D.1
1.8.1. Students can read purposefully by themselves
1.9. 2.A.1
1.9.1. Students can read a fiction text and explain the parts of it (character, main idea, narrator, etc.)
1.10. 2.B.1
1.10.1. Students understand how to read and understand poetry.
1.11. 2.C.1
1.11.1. Students know how to read and understand a skit.
2. Writing
2.1. 1. Apply a Writing Process to Develop a Text for Audience and Purpose
2.1.1. A. Prewriting 6-12 Correlation Writing 2A The student will be able to brainstorm their ideas using a chart as a prewriting technique while writing down their thoughts.
2.1.2. B. Draft 6-12 Correlation Writing 2A The student will be able to place their ideas in order while staying on topic. The student should provide an opening and closing sentence within their draft.
2.1.3. C. Revise/Edit 6-12 Correlation Writing 3A The student will respond to questions that are asked about a topic in their paper. They should edit their draft with new suggestions from peers/adults and add detail to clarify their idea while strengthening their writing and sentence structure.
2.1.4. D. Produce/Publish and Share Writing 6-12 Correlation Writing 2A The student will be able to use a variety of tools to produce and publish their writing with assistance from adults.
2.2. 2. Compose Well-Developed Writing Texts for Audience and Purpose
2.2.1. A. Opinion/Argumentative 6-12 Correlation Writing 2A The student will be able to write their own opinion on a topic being taught within the classroom. After stating their opinion, the student should provide a reason that supports their opinion. While writing, the student will use specific words that relate to the topic as well as structure their writing so that it’s in sequence order.
2.2.2. B. Informative/Explanatory 6-12 Correlation Writing 2A The student will be able to write using informative and explanatory sentence structure. The student will introduce a topic using relatable, specific words while suppling facts on their topic. The writing should flow and end with a closure.
2.2.3. C. Narrative/Literary 6-12 Correlation Writing 2A The student will be able to write fiction or non-fiction narratives and poems that tell a story or experience the student encountered. The narratives and poems should include details to help describe the story and should be told in sequence order. Students will use words that indicate a beginning, middle, and end while relating to the story. A reaction to what happened in the events should also be included in this writing.
2.3. 3. Gather, Analyze, Evaluate, and Use Information from a Variety of Sources
2.3.1. Students create open ended questions that are interesting to them and finding what information connects to their question and topic. Students will collect their information by using personal and/or natural sources and materials. They can also conduct a local interview with an individual who is an expert in the topic the student is researching. Students will need to organize their information found during their research and be able to informally present their findings. Finally, they will also need to self-evaluate their work.
3. Reading Foundations
3.1. 1. Understand how English is written and read
3.2. Develop print awareness in the reading process by:
3.3. A. Students need to be able to identify that sentences are composed of words that are separate by spaces.
3.4. B. Students need to be able to distinguish between the different features of a sentence.
3.5. 2. Develop phonemic awareness in the reading process by:
3.6. A. Students need to be able to produce and identify syllables and sounds in words.
3.7. B. Students need to be able to distinguish between vowel sounds: short or long.
3.8. C. Students need to be able to recognize change in a word when a phoneme is added, changed, or removed.
3.9. D. Students need to be able to form 1 or 2 syllable words with consonant blends.
3.10. E. Students need to be able to separate words that include 3-5 phonemes into individual phonemes.
3.11. 3. Develop Phonics in the Reading Process By:
3.12. A. Students need to be able to decode words.
3.13. B. Students need to be able to identify letters that aid in the spelling of long and short vowels.
3.14. C. Students need to be able to produce consonant blends.
3.15. D. Students need to be able to produce consonant digraphs
3.16. E. Students need to be able to combine sounds to create and decode words.
3.17. F. Students need to be able to decode words using syllabication patterns.
3.18. G. Students need to be able to read irregularly spelled words.
3.19. H. Students need to be able to read root words with inflectional endings.
3.20. I. Students need to be able to read compound words, as well as, contractions.
3.21. J. Students need to be able to read high frequency words.
3.22. K. Students need to be able to decode words.
3.23. 4. Read Appropriate Texts with Fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) with Purpose and for Comprehension:
3.24. A. Students need to be able to use context clues to aid them when reading.
4. Speaking/Listening
4.1. Listening (in Informal and Formal Settings
4.1.1. For Purpose: Students are expected to follow classroom expectations, build on other individuals' discussions and responding to statements made. Students will also be expected to follow two-step instructions. For Entertainment: Show active listening that is in line with classroom expectations.
4.2. Speaking
4.2.1. In Collaborative Discussions: Students are expected to speak clearly and to the point when presenting in front of a group or individually. First graders will need to learn to take turns when speaking, build on conversations, retelling and asking questions. When Presenting: Students need to speak loud enough for other peers to hear and explain a topic well enough to show understanding through pictures, props, visual aids, ect with assistance. Another expectation is that students will recite poetry either in a group or alone. Finally, students need to use complete sentences and adjust their volume as necessary.
5. Language
5.1. Language: Using the Conventions of the English Language
5.1.1. In written text, students need to print neatly so that it is readable, this includes spacing between words, capitalizing, and using punctuation. Students also need to be spelling words using the regular spelling patterns and spelling words using phonemic awareness. They also need to learn to arrange words in alphabetical order. Students need to use nouns, verbs (with past, present, and future tenses), adjectives/adverbs, conjunctions (and, but, so), use articles (a, an, the), use common prepositions, and pronouns. Additionally, students are required to have complete and compound sentences.