by Samantha Sebestyen
![Mind Map: Zoroastrianism](https://www.mindmeister.com/image/xlarge/763471223/mind-map-zoroastrianism.png)
1. Where Did It Spread and Why?
1.1. After sharing his beliefs and rituals with King Vishtaspa, the monarch converted to Zoroastrianism, convincing many other world leaders to do the same.
1.1.1. Zoroaster's teachings spread throughout Persia, modern day Iraq, and Anatolia.
1.1.2. Cyrus, the emperor of Persia, recruited the Magi priest community.
1.1.3. The Magi and Parsis ("Persians") aided in spreading this religion throughout areas of Egypt, Greece, and India.
1.2. The Spread of Zoroastrianism
2. Political and Social Impact
2.1. Reverence for the elements led to many rituals in daily life
2.1.1. Magi attending to a temple fire
2.2. Created a class of people known as the Magi, ritual priests of Zoroastrianism
2.3. Recognized as the official religion of Persia in 224 CE
2.4. Migration to India led to the creation of the city Parsis
2.5. Alexander the Great's greatly hindered the Zoroastrians, but they continued to flourish.
2.6. Muslim conquests in Persia led to its decline
2.7. Zoroastrianism popularized the belief of a monotheistic god and influenced Judaism, Islam, and Christianity
2.8. Converts are unwelcome, keeping the population of believers small today
3. Core Beliefs of the Faith
3.1. The existence of demons, angels, and saviors
3.2. Monotheistic, all knowing God, "Ahura Mazda"
3.3. On going battle between good and evil where humans have role in this battle by their actions
3.4. Ahura Mazda created the word with his own divine power and light
3.5. Their afterlive is with Ahura Mazda in heaven. They believe soul leaves body and his judged go to heaven or hell
3.6. Reverence for the elements, especially fire
3.6.1. Zoroastrian fire altar coin, which symbolizes the energy of Ahura Mazda
3.7. "Angra Mainyu" was the supernatural representation of evil.
4. Video
4.1. https://youtu.be/xlWKusYj8uU
5. Founded by Zarathursta, known as Zoroaster to Greeks
5.1. His death date is unknown
6. Sacred Texts
6.1. The Avesta, "Book of the Law", is the religious book they live by.
6.1.1. This book was not finished until Persia's Sassanid Dynasty (226-641 AD).