ANR: Site Architecture (Shared with ANR)

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ANR: Site Architecture (Shared with ANR) par Mind Map: ANR: Site Architecture (Shared with ANR)

1. Omnipresent

1.1. Make a Contribution

1.2. Become a Member

1.3. Email Sign-up

1.4. ANRF Link

1.5. Protect Local Control Link

1.6. Search Bar

1.7. Privacy Policy

1.8. Social Media Links

1.8.1. YouTube

1.8.2. Twitter

1.8.3. Facebook

1.8.4. Instagram

1.8.5. Linkedin

2. About Us

2.1. Mission Statement

2.2. A History of Advocacy - timeline

2.3. Board of Directors

2.4. Staff Directory

2.5. Contact Us

3. Get Involved (Take Action)

3.1. Support a Campaign

3.2. Start A Campaign

3.2.1. Campaign Guide Model Ordnance Language

3.2.2. Campaign Services - speakers, trainings

3.3. Adopt a Smokefree Meeting Policy

3.4. Make a Contribution

3.5. Become a Member

3.6. Email Sign-up

3.7. Write your Lawmarkers

3.8. Register to Vote

3.9. Share Your Story

3.9.1. Title - Story/Question Submission

3.9.2. Image

3.9.3. Body text

3.9.4. Form Name Input Email Input Your Story Input Checkbox: Can we post your story to the website? Check this box if yes. Checkbox: Withold your name from your story submission. Checkbox: Receive our Smokefree Casinos Email Alerts. Button - Submit

4. Our Impact

4.1. Where We Are Active

4.2. Success Stories

4.3. Our Events

4.4. Quarterly Newsletters

4.4.1. Membership Sign-Up

4.4.2. Institutional Subscriber?

4.5. What our Partners Say

4.6. Contract Services - webinar, training, conference etc...

5. Homepage

5.1. What is the problem?/Why we do what we do? 1) Flesh out "Many people are still exposed to  secondhand smoke..." e.g. breakdown groups of those afflicted: casino workers, MUH residents. 2) Visuals.

5.2. How we solve the problem:

5.2.1. 1) Help communities pass strong policies/laws, 2) Fight Big Tobacco).Laws and policies are very effective at protecting nonsmokers. The tobacco industry is still an opponent to these public health efforts and is not a ‘good corporate citizen’ in fact, they are adjudicated racketeers who have not ‘paid their dues’ or held accountable; and that emerging products like electronic cigarettes are of concern.

5.2.2. Big Tobacco's Current Tactics

5.3. How Can I Help

5.3.1. Featured Campaigns/Action Alerts

5.3.2. Start ac aMAINpg

5.4. Most Recent Wins

5.5. Press Room (e.g. press releases)

5.6. Email Sign Up

6. 10/6/2016: Suggested changes per Len/Cynthia/Bronson: A) Start Home Page with What/Why a problem, who are  the victims.  Visuals. very important here.   Fighting Big Tob is then more part of the "How" we solve, and obstacles to overcome B) Add Press Room C)  Merge Support a Campaign under Get Involved.  Maybe rename "Take Action? D) Need placeholders when applic. for 3 - 5 key documents (fact sheets - maybe docs on  ANRF site)  ASK GR if too much bloat. 10/7/2016: Additional thoughts per Diane/Len: Add Write Letter to the Editor/Local Media under Get Involved. Caution:  Don't let site get too bloated! Blog is a must:  Post ad hoc items, Prop 56 posts (tax not really our issue), featured article on non-ANR key issues, etc. Fact Sheets:  Need to invest in making look nice.  Use as enticement to get email address. Possible feature:  Context-specific pop-up offering a fact sheet or other related item, in exchange for email to be able to download it/subscribe to a related email group (they can always unsubscribe), etc.