Symbolism and Motifs in The Great Gatsby

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Symbolism and Motifs in The Great Gatsby af Mind Map: Symbolism and Motifs in The Great Gatsby

1. Weather

2. Nick's unread books

3. The ash heap

4. Anti-semitism, prejudice

5. East and West Egg

6. Tom Buchanan pushing people around/Tom Buchanan quoting things "he's read"

7. The faded timetable (showing the names of Gatsby's guests)

8. Green

9. White

10. Silver and gold

11. What other examples of these symbols did you find in the text?

12. Gatsby's uncut books

13. Wolfsheim's cufflinks

14. Green light at the end of Daisy's Dock

15. Gatsby's car

16. Gatsby's clothes

17. Dan Cody

18. Gatsby's career/Nick's career

19. Dr. T.J. Eckleberg