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Patient Oriented Care создатель Mind Map: Patient Oriented Care

1. Patient Oriented Care

1.1. Alexandra McEwen - 30005666

1.2. Tanis Robinson, Nursing 585 The Discipline and Profession of Nursing IV

2. Competence

2.1. New Grad Nurse

2.2. CARNA Competency #3 in professional responsibility and accountability

2.3. Newbie

3. interprofessional collaboration

3.1. Working with other professionals to get the patient(s) healthy

4. medication administration

4.1. Double Checking before giving the medications

4.2. Going over the ten rights

5. Being accountable for your own actions

5.1. CARNA Competency # 14 in Professional Responsibility and accountability

6. Family involvement

6.1. Explaining everything to both family and patient

7. Patient Education

7.1. Teaching about Medications

7.2. Health promotion

7.3. Explaining the Different facilities if needed for after hospital care

7.4. Why they're in the hospital and what caused them to be here

7.5. "... quality of care can be improved by improving the level of patient education. "

8. Key:

8.1. Blue BUbbles are nodes

8.2. No color are links to Nodes

8.3. Green lines are linking bubbles together

9. working as a team to give the best possible care

10. treating like a human being

11. Not just pushing Pills

12. CARNA Competency #42 in health Care planning

13. taking the time to form a professional relationship with your patient

14. Patient safety

14.1. Making sure Patient is safe when leaving the room

14.2. If patient is confusing leaving them in eye sight from the nursing desk

15. Vulnerability

15.1. Towards "older Staff"

15.2. Working to please Coworkers

15.3. first year of professional nursing practice is similar to “an obstacle course "

16. professionalism

16.1. 5 P's of professionalism: Punctual, Present, Prepared, Participatory, Professional attitude and behavior

16.2. Being ready for Work

16.3. CARNA Competency #5 in professional responsibility and accountability

17. Making sure my patients understand what you are doing and why

18. Time Management

18.1. Managing Multiple Patients needs at once

18.2. making sure all patients get medications at correct time

19. working with not for