Comparing linear and quadratic equations

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Comparing linear and quadratic equations por Mind Map: Comparing linear and quadratic equations

1. Linear equation-An equation between variables that gives an straight line when plotted on graph

1.1. Slope intercept:y=mx+b

1.1.1. An linear equation is a straight line

1.1.2. The line can go up or down

1.1.3. The steepness of the line is called the slope

2. Quadratic Equation-Is an equation of the second degree, meaning that it contains at least one term that is squared

2.1. ax2 + bx + c = 0,

2.1.1. U-shape called the parabola

2.1.2. Parabola-a symmetrical open plane curve formed by the intersection of a cone with a plane parallel to its side.

2.1.3. Has a minimum or maximum called the vertex

2.1.4. Vertically symmetrical