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Tagging Presentation создатель Mind Map: Tagging Presentation

1. Intro

1.1. Ice Breaker: Tagging

2. Tagging is wonderful/crap!

3. Social Aspect

3.1. Wisdom of crowd

3.2. sniffing

4. The F-Word, T-Word

4.1. Trees and Leaves

5. Pivot Browsing

5.1. Reflection Exercise

6. Why?

6.1. junk drawers

6.2. flexibility

6.3. access

6.4. meaning

6.5. mobility

6.6. where search leaves off

6.7. Why tagging is catching on!

6.7.1. Cognitive explanation

7. What is tagging?

7.1. Visual

7.2. Example

7.3. What is social bookmarking?

7.3.1. Tools