Characters in the Book Thief
by Tori Steinman

1. Herr Fiedler
1.1. used basement has a bomb shelter
2. Rudolf
2.1. 12 year old
2.2. boy that losted
2.3. the guy tripped over in the military
3. Rolf Schultz
3.1. young man
3.2. sat in the corner in bomb shelter
4. Herr Heckenstaller
4.1. superviser teacher
4.2. gave Rudy an exams for Nazi elites school
5. Franz Deutscher
5.1. Leader youth group
5.2. Represent Nazi ideal
5.3. Torment and humiliating Rudy
6. Arthur V.
6.1. tough
6.2. was the leader of the gang when Liesel and Rudy joined
6.3. stole
7. The Pfaffel
7.1. liesel dilvered and picked up there laundry
7.2. rich
8. The Fuhrer
8.1. Hitler
8.2. ruler of germany
8.3. wrote a book that says jews are the problem
9. Frau Holtzapfel
9.1. Neighbors to Liesel
9.2. Has a feud with Rosa
9.3. Vulnerable after sons death
10. Viktor Chemmel
10.1. Second leader of gang
10.2. Like Franz
10.3. Exploit his power
11. Frau Henrich
11.1. women
11.2. works foster care agency
11.3. assigned Lisel to the Hubermanns
12. Frau Diller
12.1. pro-Nazi
12.2. wont serve you unless you say "Heil Hitler"
13. Arthur B
13.1. got knocked off his bike
13.2. get beaten up by Liesel and Rudy
14. Mrs. Jenson
14.1. married to Mr Jenson
14.2. used fielder basement durring bombing
15. Mr.Herbert Jenson
15.1. married to Mrs.Jenson
15.2. stayed at fielder basement during bombing
16. Frau Hallah
16.1. had Hans paint her windows
16.2. paid Hans in cookies and tea
17. Reinhold Zucker
17.1. 23 year old member in Hans millitary group
17.2. horrible at cards
17.2.1. claimed Hans cheating
17.3. hated Hans
17.4. he stole Hans seat
17.4.1. and died
17.5. fought in World War 1
18. Micheal Holtzapfel
18.1. frau Holtzaphel son
18.2. severed in the military
18.3. severe wounded hand
18.4. saw his brother died
18.5. committed suicide
19. Robert Holtzapfel
19.1. Micheal brother
19.2. dies during the war
20. Eddie Alma
20.1. guy in the army squad
20.2. reinhold Zucker landed on him
21. Helmut Brohmann
21.1. Driver of the Hans in millitary
21.2. the tire blow causing them to get in a cr accident
22. Dieter Westheimer
22.1. owner of bar called Knollers
23. The Fielder
23.1. lives on Heimmel street
23.2. house used has bomb shelter
24. Boris Schipper
24.1. sergeant of the group
24.2. the group Hans joined
25. Karin S
25.1. Rudy's sister
25.2. died in bombing
26. Ilsa Hermann
26.1. Mayor's wife
26.2. Shattered by sons death
26.3. Open up to Liesel
26.4. shares books with Lisel
27. Barbara S.
27.1. rudy mom
28. Rosa H.
28.1. Liesel Foster mom
28.2. swore numerous times
28.3. can be mean and very impatient
29. Liesel Memiger
29.1. Foster kid
29.2. Lost Mom
29.3. Book thief
29.4. Main Character
30. Atto S.
30.1. Liestel and rudy stole from him
30.2. twitches
30.3. in Liesel class
31. Ludwig S.
31.1. A boy in Liesel class
31.2. Mean to Liesil
31.3. got in a fight with LIesel
31.4. Liesel save him from the crowd
32. Han H.
32.1. didnt support Nazi
32.2. played accordion
32.3. taught liesel how to read and write
32.4. liesel foster father
32.5. Rosa's wife
33. Sister Maria
33.1. teacher
33.2. very strict
33.3. very religious
34. Tommy Muller
34.1. classmate
34.2. Bad ear
34.2.1. pathetic weak