Org Chart

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Org Chart by Mind Map: Org Chart

1. Alex Steiner

1.1. Rudy's father

1.1.1. Owns shoe store

1.1.2. Didn't put Rudy in Nazi training camp

1.2. Rudy Steiner

1.2.1. Liesel's best friend

1.2.2. Loves Jesse Owens

1.2.3. Plays soccer

1.3. Ludwig Schmeikl

1.3.1. Liesel's classmates

1.3.2. Injured at book burning, Liesel helps him

1.3.3. Makes fun of  Liesel for not being able to read

2. Liesel

2.1. Book Thief

2.1.1. steals books

2.1.2. Grave Digger's Handbook

2.2. The Shoulder Shrug

2.2.1. Employee

2.2.2. Employee

2.3. Hans Hubermann

2.3.1. Liesel's foster parent

2.3.2. plays accordian

2.3.3. has children of his own

3. Rosa Hubermann

3.1. Liesel's foster parent

3.2. Not very nice

3.2.1. Not many people in Molching like her

3.3. Otto Sturm

3.3.1. Liesel's classmate

3.3.2. Delivers food to church every week

3.3.3. Liesel and Rudy steal from him

4. Arthur Berg

4.1. Leader of gang

4.1.1. Lets Liesel and Rudy in

4.1.2. Shares stolen items equally with everyone

4.2. Frau Diller

4.2.1. Candy store owner

4.2.2. Makes everyone say "Heil Hitler" when they walk in her store

4.2.3. Not a very friendly lady

4.3. Frau Hotzapfel

4.3.1. Hubermann's neighbor

4.3.2. Has ongoing feud with Rosa

4.3.3. Goes in a neighbor's basement the night of an air raid

5. Ilsa Hermann

5.1. Mayor's wife

5.2. Let's Liesel read books in her library

5.3. Hurt by the death of her son

5.4. Johann Hermann

5.5. Ilsa's son

5.6. Died

5.7. No one knows how he died

5.8. Heinz Hermann

5.9. Mayor of Molching

5.10. Ilsa's husband

5.11. Very wealthy

6. Walter Kugler

6.1. Max Vandenburg's best friend

6.2. Helped Max escape

6.3. Always fist-fought with Max

6.4. Eric Vandenburrg

6.5. Max's father

6.6. Hans Hubermann's best friend

6.7. Fought with Hans in war

6.8. Werner Meminger

6.9. Liesel's brother

6.10. Diied on a train

6.11. 7 years old

7. Trudy Hubermann

7.1. Hans and Rosa's daughter

7.2. Not close with her parents

7.3. Doesn't visit a lot

7.4. Barbara Steiner

7.5. Rudy's mother

7.6. Nice

7.7. Doesn't want Rudy going to Nazi school

7.8. Hans Junior Hubermann

7.9. Hans and Rosa's son

7.10. Dedicated member of Nazi Party

7.11. Doesn't get along with Hans

8. Furher

8.1. Leader of Nazi Party

8.2. Anti-Semitic

8.3. Ruler of Germany

8.4. Pfiffikus

8.5. Old man

8.6. Always whistles

8.7. Swears a lot

8.8. Death

8.9. Narrator

8.10. Fascinated with colors

8.11. Fascinated with humans

9. Tommy Muller

9.1. Friends with Liesel and Rudy

9.2. Has severe ear problems

9.3. Lives on Himmel Street

9.4. Franz Deutscher

9.5. Leader of  Rudy's Hitler Youth squad

9.6. Always picks on Rudy

9.7. Cuts Rudy's hair

9.7.1. Viktor Chemmel

9.8. Rich

9.9. New leader of  gang

9.10. Steals for fun

10. Andy Schmeikl

10.1. Ludwig's older brother

10.2. Very minor character

10.3. His little brother made fun of Liesel for not being able to read

10.4. Max Vandenburg

10.5. Jew

10.6. Hides in Hubermann's basement

10.7. Becomes friends with Liesel

10.8. Frau Olendrich

10.9. Liesel's teacher at school

10.10. Rudy's teacher at school

10.11. Kurt Steiner

10.12. Rudy's older brother

10.13. Karin Steiner

10.14. Rudy's sister

11. Anna-Marie Steiner

11.1. Rudy's sister

11.2. Bettina Steiner

11.3. Rudy's sister

11.4. Emma Stiener

11.5. Rudy's sister

11.6. Rolf Schultz

11.7. Young man in the basement during the air raid

11.8. Kept to himself

11.9. Stood in the corner

11.10. Herr Fiedler

11.11. Lets people stay in his basement during air raid

11.12. Frau Hallah

11.13. Had Hans paint for her

11.14. Couldn't pay him with money, so she gave him tea

12. Reinhold Zucker

12.1. Works with Hans

12.2. Doesn't like Hans

12.3. Dies in a car accident

12.4. Michael Holtzapfel

12.5. One of Frau Holtzapfel's sons

12.6. Lost three fingers in Stalingrad

12.7. Hangs himself in Molching

12.8. Robert Holzapfel

12.9. Frau Holtzapfel's son

12.10. Loses both of his legs in the war

12.11. Dies

12.12. Eddie Alma

12.13. Works with Hans

12.14. Was in car accident

12.15. Survived

13. Helmut Brohmann

13.1. Works with Hans

13.2. Was driving the car when the accident happened

13.3. Boris Schipper

13.4. Sergeant of Air Raid Special Unit

13.5. Herr Heckenstaller

13.6. Supervising teacher

13.7. Oversees medical examination of Rudy

13.8. Jurgen Schwarz

13.9. Goes to school with Rudy

13.10. Also examined by Herr Heckenstaller for elite Nazi school

13.11. Olaf Spiegel

13.12. Goes to school with Rudy

13.13. Examined by Herr Heckenstaller for elite Nazi school

14. Dieter Westheimer

14.1. Owner of bar

14.2. Called the Knoller

14.3. The Fielders

14.4. Live six houses down from Liesel

14.5. Basement is a bomb shelter during air raids

14.6. Rudolf

14.7. Propaganda minister