Sistemi diellor

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Sistemi diellor by Mind Map: Sistemi diellor

1. Satelite-trupa qe rrotullohen rreth planeteve

2. Planetet shkembore

2.1. Jupiteri saturni urani neltuni

3. Toka

3.1. Planeti i vetem ku ka jete

4. Hena

4.1. Sateliti i vetem i tokes

5. Trupat qiellore kryejne rrotullime

5.1. Dielli kryen nje rrotullim rreth vetes, planetet rrotullohen rreth vetes dge rreth diellit dhe satelitet rreth vetes dhe planeteve e bashke me planetet rreth diellit.

6. Planete tokesore kan berthame metali,kane permasa ne te vogla,kurse planetet gjigande kane berthame shkembore dhe dendesi te vogel.

7. Perbehet nga berthama,fotosfera,kromosfera dhe kurora diellore

7.1. Open the Theme menu from the bottom of your map editor to change your map theme

7.2. Create a presentation of your mind map by clicking the presentation icon in the bottom left corner of your screen

7.2.1. Simply hold down COMMAND i.e. CTRL and Click & Drag to create a slide for one or multiple topics

7.2.2. Set transitions for your slides

7.2.3. Click "Start Slideshow" to view your presentation

7.3. Open the Sharing Settings from the bottom of your map editor to share the map with a friend or publish it to the web

7.3.1. You can share your map with anyone via email

7.3.2. You can publish your map and enable anyone with an internet access to find it

7.3.3. You can embed your map on a blog or website

8. 2 breze asteroidesh

8.1. Ndajne planetet tokesore nga ata gjigande

9. 4 planete tokesore: merkuri aferdita toka marsi

10. Dielli

10.1. Ylli i vetem i sistemit,qendra e sistemit diellor