Strategic Database Marketing

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Strategic Database Marketing by Mind Map: Strategic Database Marketing

1. Customer Life time value

2. 3 dimensions client value

2.1. Loyality

2.1.1. Relationship duration

2.2. # Clients reachable

2.3. Profatibility per client

2.3.1. Increase sales per client

2.3.2. Decrease the cost per client

3. Stratgy 7 steps

3.1. Goup customers demo, profitability, segments

3.2. Determine the life time value of each segment

3.3. For each segement determine wether increase profitability or retention rate

3.4. Put your self in the shoes of the members of the segment, what kind of info, action will increase my spending or loyality

3.5. Develop a list of possible services, benefits, rewards, premiums or develop relationships that the customer will value

3.6. Imagine you ve implemented these new strategies visualize the impact on spending, retention, refferals by putting them into a lifetime value table

3.7. Run little tests to make sure that you are right

4. 5-Building profits with Recency, Frequency, Monetary Analysis

4.1. Recency

4.2. Frequency

4.3. Monetary

5. 6-Communicating with the customer

6. 8-Customer Segmentaiton

7. 10-Customer Aquisition

8. 12-Internet Marketing

9. 7-Customer Retention and Loyalty

10. 9- Prodictive Modeling

11. 11-Strategy verification: Testingand control groups

12. 13-Retailing experience