Teaching, Learning, and Development
by Lauren O'Shaughnessy
1. Approach to teaching and learning that places students questions, ideas, and observations at the centre of learning experience
2. GUIDELINES: Provide options for: 1. Perception 2. Language, mathematical expressions. and symbols 3. Comprehension 4.Physical action 5. Expression and communication 6. Executive functions 7. Recruiting interest 8. Sustaining effort and persistence 9. Self regulation
3. My grade 2 classroom was my most memorable because my teacher had structure and control over the class. She was firm but also gentle and kind at the same time. She had no tolerance for disrespect or misbehavior, which resulted in a very positive classroom environment. On the other hand, my grade 6 teacher was very disorganized and had absolute no control over her students. This made my learning very difficult as I was constantly disrupted and the issue was never corrected
4. That I would not be able to manage the class as a whole and maintain order. I would also be nervous that I would not have the appropriate consequences for the behavior, that nothing would be effective. I would also feel sorry for those students who are struggling to learn in a classroom that has chaos going on around them.
5. Educators establishing a culture where ideas are challenged, tested, redefined, and viewed as improvable
6. FOR STUDENTS: Open-ended investigations into a question or a problem, allowing them to engage in evidence based reasoning and creative problem solving and problem finding FOR EDUCATORS: Being responsive to students' learning needs and knowing when and how to introduce students to ideas that will move them forward in their inquiry
7. COMPONENTS: 1.Content: what needs to be learned 2.Proces: what activities are done 3.Products: projects to extend/apply content learned 4.Learning environment: how classroom is worked/feels
8. 1.Behaviour 2. Communication: autism, deafness, language impairment 3. Intellectual: giftedness, developmental disability, mild intellectual disability 4. Physical: blindness, low vision 5. Multiple: combination of above
9. 1. Examine own beliefs 2. Work with school team, including the student 3. Use a variety of instructional methods, differentiated instruction, and universal design 4. Extend inclusion to the whole school
10. The four commonplaces, teacher, student, setting, and topic, represent a wide-ranging and unique set of possible attributes. By understanding the underlying principles of why we need to do or not to do things when teaching, teachers are better able to design and implement effective instructional strategies that engage students and poster personal and academic development. Schwab (1973) explains that all 4 characteristics fully identify education and would be missed if one were to simply apply psychological principles and theories to education. It is only at the intersection of meaningful research based on teachers, students, topic, and setting that lead to truly beneficial outcomes (Schwab, 1973). Having a good teacher, eager students, a positive setting and an interesting topic, will make for increased engagement.
11. Inquiry Based Learning
12. Universal Learning Design
12.1. PRINCIPLES: 1. Provide multiple means of representation 2. Provide multiple means of action and expression
13. Differentiated Instruction
14. 5 Categories of Exceptionalities
15. Ways to Promote Inclusion
16. Seth Godin Video: Stop Stealing Dreams
16.1. PRINCIPLES a) Homework during the day, lecture at night b) Open book, open note all the time c) Access to any course anywhere d) Precise focused education e) Teachers role transforms to coach f) Lifelong learning with work happening earlier in life g) Death of the famous college
17. Professional Teacher
17.1. The defining characteristic of a professional teacher is the dedication to being a reflective practioner. This means choosing to analyze on your own practice and to access the effects of your own teaching in order to become an effective educator (Edmunds & Edmunds, 2015). This choice is driven by ethical and moral responsibility to best serve the students. Going off of this, is the idea of good planning as good planning results in excellent teaching, enhanced student learning, an exemplary environments for teaching and learning to take place. On the other hand, no planning at all leads to instruction that is vague and directionless, students do not learn , and classrooms lack predictability, structure, and routine (Edmunds & Edmunds, 2015).
18. 4 Commonplaces
19. My concerns for dealing with problematic behaviour
20. My positive and negative classroom environments
21. SES
21.1. A memory I have of my classmates who were from a low SES are low attendance, dirty skin and clothes, smelled of second hand smoke, ripped clothes, and bad hygiene. They also misbehaved a lot and did not care of consequences. A memory I have of my classmates who were from a medium SES were people like myself. Good hygiene, good family life, positive attitude, obeyed teacher. I think in regards to those who were from a high SES, there is similarities between those from medium and high SES. Those who had a lot of money perhaps showed off, thought they were better than everyone else, too much family involvement, showed off intellectual ability, and showed off their material belongings by bringing them into class.
22. How to Build Culturally Responsive Classrooms
22.1. 1.. Commitment to knowing your students well 2. No matter the subject matter, build on students’ life experiences 3. Create a learning classroom community 4.Hold high academic standards and expectations for all students 5. Understand own cultural identity and its consequences 6. Be a role model 7. Provide representation/ images of cultural diversity 8.Collaborate
23. Entire Basketball Team Surprises and Thanks Coach
23.1. This video which was shared in the relevant resources section of our class owl, made me really tear up. It was inspiring hearing the challenges these teachers face. Seeing the look on their faces when some of their students came into the room made me excited to teach and have my own students with whom I inspire and who appreciate everything I do for them
24. 1. Scripted Cooperation: One student summarizes the content and partner listens and detects errors and provides feedback 2. Two/Four, Question Some More: Readers and listeners use personal schemata to make predictions and ask questions about text before reading it 3. Panel of Experts: A game in which cooperative groups develop and ask each other questions after reading a selection 4. One Minute Book Discussion: Students participate in developing a community of readers in the classroom. Informal sharing among children which promotes reading and literacy development
25. I really enjoyed watching the Zoe Branigan-Pipe video as it made me think of teaching and the classroom in a new light. I have saw technology within elementary schools but the extent of technology Zoe has in her classroom is amazing. Zoe uses microphones to project her voice when speaking to her students, smart boards for interactive learning as well as a document camera, and webcams to use for Skype, for students to talk to others around the world where they are learning about international relationships in the process. Through this they are also able to see differences between different parts of the world and compare similarities. .
26. - personal development - flexibility and control - social interaction - optimal challenge - positive classroom culture - valued contribution - instructor support - access to resources - real life learning
27. Physical, cognitive, and social changes
28. Learning becomes more organized
29. Behaviours become more adaptive
30. VIEWS Constructivist: Personal knowledge and seeking meaning, social negotiating, developing skills to solve problems, think critically, answer questions, accept multiple views, self determination Piaget, Basic Learning Instinct: Schemas and schemes: organizing behaviours and thoughts into coherent systems. Adaptations: adjusting to ones surrounding environment Vygotsky: Zone of Proximal Development, social interactions, and scaffolding
31. PRINCIPLES: 1.Orderly progression and gradual process 2. Periods of rapid and slow growth 3. Quantitative and qualitative changes 4. Individuals develop at different rates 5. genetics set developmental potential 6. Environment determines potential realized
32. Reflective Learning
32.1. A practice that helps you become an active learner
32.2. Engaging with ourselves
32.3. An idea that is written down and expressed
32.4. "The capacity to reflect on action so as to engage in a process of continuous learning" Donald Schon
33. Development
34. Conditions for the wellbeing of students in their learning environment
35. TRIBES Agreements
35.1. Attentive Listening
35.2. No Put Downs
35.3. The Right to Pass
35.4. Mutual Respect
36. Classroom Management
36.1. The content on classroom management ties in nicely with my course titled Classroom Management. Alot of what was mentioned in week 3 related to what we have been taught in my other course.
36.2. TIPS: 1. Build community 2. Design a safe, friendly, and well managed classroom environment 3. Include students in creating rules, norms, routines, and consequences 4. Create a variety of communication channels 5.Always be calm, fair, and consistent 6. Know the students you teach 7. Address conflict quickly and wisely 8. Integrate positive classroom rituals 9. Keep it real 10. Partner with parents
36.3. BUMPS: Proximity, touch, students name, gesture, the look, the pause, ignore, signal to begin and signal for attention, an deal with problem not the student
37. Strategies for Cooperative Learning
38. Backward Design
38.1. STAGES: 1. Identify desired results: considering goals, examining established content standards, and view curriculum expectations 2. Determine assessment evidence: distinguishing between 2 broads types of assessment. Performance tasks or other evidence 3. Plan learning experiences and instruction: teachers can teach the appropriate lessons and address the three different types of goals in stage 1
39. How People Learn
39.1. Children construct new knowledge by building upon their own prior knowledge and experiences
39.2. Teachers help each student build a bridge from prior knowledge to the new topics they are learning
39.3. Students create new knowledge products
39.4. Projects are interdisciplinary
39.5. Use of storytelling
40. My concerns about implementing a Classroom Management Program
40.1. Some implications of the DSM in regards to effective classroom management, consist of: 1. There is no evidence that the absence of good classroom behavior is a skill deficit problem, but rather a performance deficit problem 2. How a teacher constructs and maintains order in the classroom is important as whether or not order is achieved 3. The modern classroom has far too many interactions and complexities of human behavior for the teacher to be the lone manager
41. Zoe Branigan Pipe Video
41.1. Zoe Branigan-Pipe believes in constructivism concepts where she lets her students construct their own learning. As opposed to the teacher standing in front of the class to teach, she allows the students to teach the lesson in front of the class. Zoe also believes in differentiated instruction where she caters the content to the needs of her students in regards to their different learning styles. I really liked the idea of using the computers and laptops for students to submit their homework as well as make responses to other classmates as well as the teacher making them motivated. Most of the classroom learning is in group work and collaboration. One thing I am not sure I agree with is letting the students create their own tests. I think that reaches a new level, one in which the teacher should be in charge of.