1. Daily Schedules
1.1. Canadians are becoming much more occupied with other things than physical activity. Finding it a last priority.
1.1.1. Priority Example; Soccer within the community is every Sunday morning, but church is on Sunday Morning.
1.2. Some Canadians have lots of time for physical activity.
1.2.1. Parents may register children for more than just one sport.
1.3. School work and other extra curricular activities. More time is spent at the working desk.
1.3.1. Example
1.4. Canadians such as construction workers (trades) may not feel the need to be physically active outside of work.
2. Family & Friends
2.1. Some Canadians are influenced by their loved one to become more physically active, or even less physically active.
2.1.1. Family members may push other family members into becoming more physically active for the individuals better health and well being.
2.2. Most children who grow up in active homes end up continuing the same pattern throughout their lives.
2.2.1. Maybe by working out together, playing family team sports, organizing outdoor playtime with kids, etc.
3. Overall Health
3.1. Some Canadians are unable to participate in physical activity due to disease or injuries.
3.1.1. Others may require a certain amount of physical activity for health reasons (physio therapy).
3.2. Other Canadians are very dedicated to keeping their bodies healthy an well nourished.
3.2.1. Many Canadians are becoming more physically active for the bodies they desire.
3.3. Doctors, physiotherapist, etc may recommend daily physical activity or for more time to be spent on physical activity for better health.
4. Media
4.1. Majority of Canadians follow what they see in the media, when t comes to being physically active sporting events are a big influence.
4.1.1. Watching the Olympics, NBA, NHL, NFL, Fifa World Cup, etc.
4.2. Celebrities tend to "inspire" others to become more physically active.
4.2.1. Famous athletes such as Donovan Bailey, Wayne Gretzky, and Cindy Klassen have inspired many Canadians to play sports.
4.2.2. Social trends take on a big role in influencing physical activity. Bandwagonning...
5. LTAD: Long-Term Athlete Development
5.1. LTAD is beneficial for Canada and will lead to more participation in organized sport, more physically active Canadians and better adult athletes.
5.1.1. Reminds Canadians of the importance of being physically active.
5.2. With the aid of coaches and recreation administrators the youth become motivated to becomes physically active.
5.2.1. Eventually their talents are shown leading them to become an elite athlete if they choose, and if not they maintain that motivation to be active for life.
5.2.2. LTAD is coach driven, sponsored by administrations and sport sciences.
5.3. Long-Term Athlete Development is a 7-stage model for athletes to experience training and competition in programs though development based on the athletic maturation of an individual.
5.3.1. Ensures physical literacy on which active and athletic excellence can be built supporting the four goals of the Canadian Sport Policy; enhanced participation, enhanced excellence, enhanced capacity and enhanced interaction.
6. School Programs
6.1. Physical Education is taught from Preschool to Grade 9.
6.1.1. Grades 10-12 are all optional and from there it is the individual's choice to be active. Depending on the future career choices of the individual, they may want to further their physically active lifestyle at school or outside of school.
6.2. The Government tries their best to promote Phys Ed, for healthy living both now and in the future.
6.2.1. All schools within Canada are to promote healthy active living to kids of all ages.
6.2.2. It decreases the child obesity rate, keeping kids healthy and active. Motivating them to continue to be active.
7. Community & Environment
7.1. Some communities have recreational places for active living or cooperative sports teams.
7.1.1. There are many gyms in all communities/community centers. Some workplaces have gyms for employees.
7.2. Communities in the countryside usually offer a variety of more outdoor sports for Canadians to participate.
7.2.1. Not all sports are offered in all communities.
7.3. Coaches all have different prices for registration in sports, some sports teams closest to an individual's community may not be affordable.
7.4. Places are located far away from home, so driving is the "only" option to get from place to place.
7.4.1. Many forms of public transportation these days including; buses, cars, streetcars, taxis, bicycles, ubers, etc. More schools are busing students to ad from school, or parents are dropping children off, carpooling. Some communities do not offer buses, taxis due to populations.