Roadmapping Value Proposition

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Roadmapping Value Proposition by Mind Map: Roadmapping Value Proposition

1. Marketing Campaign  Manager

1.1. Gains

1.2. Pains

1.3. Tasks

2. Concepts

2.1. Work at an immediate level

2.1.1. We don't have to start at a board level

2.2. Agency focus

2.2.1. Aim at marketing

2.2.2. multiple campaigns build a platform to last multiple campaigns

2.2.3. See a bigger picture

2.3. value over time

2.4. it looks like a one off payment for a one off thing.

2.4.1. but it is a gateway

2.5. lean leader

2.5.1. this is how startups do stuff

2.5.2. We can assist you to lead digital projects

2.5.3. training and workshops

2.5.4. People who are responsible for campaign and marketing strategy

2.5.5. Assist departments, and eventually organisation, adopt agile practices

2.5.6. guidance, coaching and consulting

2.5.7. one year insource the skills then take on the work internally

2.6. you can do this

2.6.1. we will share how to do this

2.6.2. when you have done it, you will be able to do it again

2.6.3. we are open we can share with you the source code

2.7. Digital Business Transformation

2.7.1. Board/chief executive level training and service program Helps CEO/CTO/CIO/CMO plan and execute organisation wide digital transformation

3. Issues

3.1. we are aiming at people we have no experience with

4. Advertising Account manager

4.1. Customer profile

4.1.1. Gains I have something extra to sell my client Keep a client around for much longer An ongoing service leads in to ongoing services Makes us look like we are doing good stuff and really caring about our clients Allow us to look better at digital strategy communicate expertise

4.1.2. Pains my products are stale we are looking for new things my clients want shiny things My organisation is a bit to big to be able to do the new things we don't appear young and hip enough We are a latecoming in the market for marketing technology and innovation we talk all sorts of stuff about agile, but cant do it

4.1.3. Tasks

4.2. Value map

5. Drugstore Language

5.1. product developer

5.2. tech pioneer

5.3. innovation program

5.4. internal champions who can lead the transformation of companies for the digital world

5.5. digital business transformation

5.6. reimagine, reshape and retool