TeacMem Working Groups

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TeacMem Working Groups by Mind Map: TeacMem Working Groups

1. Connection of theory and practice

1.1. Anne

1.2. Claudia

1.3. Harald

2. Collaboration of teachers and memorial educators

2.1. Lisa

2.2. Oliver

2.3. Ulrike

2.4. Marco

3. Comparison of memorials

3.1. Luitgard

3.2. Jenny

4. Didactics for stimulating reflections on memory culture

4.1. Helle

4.2. Harald

5. Vocabulary & Glossary

5.1. Lisa

5.2. Stephanie

6. Evaluation of a talk with Danish teacher students

6.1. Lisa

7. Comparison of curricula

7.1. Stephanie

7.1.1. curricula hamburg

7.2. Ruth

8. Teaching exercise p4

8.1. witnesses project slovenia nov 2009

8.2. memorial project october 2010

8.3. curricula in school

8.4. planning trip to krakau and oswiecim september 2011

8.5. using reflection-ideas from Lisa for teaching objects in different levels and courses