by Zarmina Shinwari

1. Philosophers
1.1. Machieville
1.2. John Locke
1.3. Thomas Hobbes
1.4. Adam Smith
2. Peacekeeping
2.1. Video Clip
2.1.1. Shake Hands With The Devil Questions
2.2. Opinion Essays
2.2.1. If You Want Peace Prepare For War
2.2.2. Bystanders To Genocide
2.3. Presentation
2.3.1. Egypt-Israel Conflict
3. Different Types Of Govt.
3.1. Democracy
3.2. Absolute Monarchy
3.3. Facism
3.4. Communisim
3.5. Socialism
3.6. Dictatorship
4. United Nations
4.1. Economic & Social Council
4.2. Security Council
4.2.1. India-Pakistan Conflict
4.2.2. Essequibo Valley Conflict