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IDEA by Mind Map: IDEA

1. Developmental Delay

1.1. When developmental Milesones  don't appear there may be disability/ developmental delay.

1.1.1. Help: Pediatrician can refer to a devopmental evaluation Physical Cognitive development Communication Development Social/emotional development Adaptive developmentt Special-education/early intervention services Early childhood technical assistance centers Medical, nursing, nutrition, speech/language services Assistive technology, audiology/hearing services Counceling/Training for family, psychological services Occupational and physical therapy

2. Autism Spectrum Disorder ASDs

2.1. Autism, Aspergers Syndrome, Rett Syndrom, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder or not otherwise specified

2.1.1. Communication Difficulties Difficulty understanding idioms, using proper verbal and gesticular communication Often speak in a montone voice

2.1.2. Social Interaction Difficulty getting social cues, reading faces and gestures and maintaining relationships with peers Inability to establish or maintain relationships with peers Work on Social Learning books by Garcia Winner

2.1.3. Behavior Repetitive Activities, stereotyped movements Social training with Superflex and the Unthinkables! Resistance to Environmental Change

2.2. Problems / What to do?

2.2.1. Early diagnosis/intervention!

2.2.2. Services: Special education also before age 3 ABA, Behavioral therapy

3. Orthopedic Impairment

3.1. Alice's, amputation, congenital anomaly, impairment is caused by disease, several palsy, fractures, burns

3.1.1. Such impairment may adversely affects educational performance.

3.2. School can make arrangements to allow wheelchair access, alternative physical education practices, special writing tools,...

4. Speech/Language Impairment SLP

4.1. Articulation problems, fluency disruption, voice abnormalities, language expression disruption

4.1.1. Check hearing first! Lispsing, not able to make certain sounds, stutter, raspiness, nasal sound, inappropriate grammatical patterns, inability to follow directions,...

4.2. How does your Child hear and Talk?

4.3. Early Intervention, IFSP

4.3.1. Helping IFSP individual family service plan Therapists and Family work closely

4.4. Educational considerations: Speech/language pathology service

4.4.1. Impairment identification, appraisal of impairment, referral, counseling of parents children and teachers.

4.5. Teachers

4.5.1. Assistive technology

4.5.2. Learn about this ability, recognize student strengths and interests, IEP, accommodations for classroom, testing time, seating, Break down information into chunks

5. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

5.1. Signs: Disabilities, difficulty syncing, social, behavioral, or emotional problems

5.2. Difficulties thinking, reasoning, understanding words, remembering things, paying attention, problem-solving, thinking abstractly, talking, behaving, walking and other physical activities, seating, hearing and or learning

5.3. School

5.3.1. Dealing with child, who remembers how it was before accident is difficult

5.3.2. Plan return to school with parents, teachers, therapists, councelor/psychologist. Usage of IEP Use integration strategies to re-integrate the child in the classroom

5.3.3. Teachers: Do you constructions one step at a time, show students how to perform new tasks, consistent routine, people checklist, reteach, repeat

5.4. CASE: Teri fell off a wall onto the back of her head, when she was 3. The traum to the lower back of her head seemed to heal after a few days. The parents noted, that she had trouble sitting at the dinner table or anywhere for longer than 5 minutes unless she was drawing, which she loved. Wenn she got into school ADHD was diagnosed and also discalculia, spacial problems and poor reading skills. The little girl could already speak three languages, though. ADHD drugs didn't work. The damage to the lower brain had caused a bad connection to her executive functions center. All learning problems stemmed from lack of concentration. Computer learning programs, that held her interest were the answer to most of her learning problems. A Time-Timer also helped her stay on track while doing activities and homework.Medically, she is receiving Bio-Feedback training.

6. Visual Impairment, including blindness

6.1. Types: Strabismus, cataracts, retinitis pigmentosa, colomba, rheumatism-uveitis, optic nerve damage, cortical visual impairment

6.1.1. American Foundation for the Blind Early Intervention and SE!

6.2. Vision loss undetected will delay development in a wide range of skills

6.2.1. Important is touching, listening, smelling, tasting, and the vision that they have Assistance of parents, friends, caregivers, educators must be included in therapy

6.3. National Eye Institute:

6.4. Children's teaching should be centered on all senses.

6.4.1. Do you smell the flowers, here are the birds, feel the soft bunny? CASE: Nina is Persian and was born an albino. The pediatrician didn't tell the parents that the child should be protected from the sun. By the time she came into first grade, 65% of her vision was gone. She received a machine at her school desk, that magnifies everything she sees. She learned to type Braille very quickly and was able to do her assignments properly . The children in her class knew everything about her and made sure that she was safe moving around the school, especially during fire drills.

6.5. Signs: Crossed eyes, bulging eyes, eye pupil size differences, strange formation of pupil, covering one eye, clumsiness, squinting, eye rubbing, face crunching, sitting too close to objects, avoiding tasks that require a good vision

6.5.1. Teachers should be aware of the symptoms, recognize strain during class, providing appropriate breaks Adapt classroom environment to insure safety Teach other students to assist Use Braille, speak clearly, don't surprise child Get assistance from ILP team

7. TEACHERS Responsibilities

7.1. Maintain a positive learning environment

7.1.1. Concentrate on social learning

7.1.2. Use projects that involved all children

7.2. Use materials/textbooks in other formats

7.3. Seek help of a paraprofessional in the classroom

7.4. Dealing with student

7.4.1. Know the needs, play to the strengths Motivate and lead to success

7.4.2. Keep organized by adhering to the ILPs

7.4.3. Seek cooperation and support from parents Seek cooperation from school staff team

8. Auditive Impairment

8.1. Causes are not fully understood.

8.2. May affect ability to pinpoint where the sound is coming from, tell which sound comes before another, differentiating sounds from one another (70 ? 17), understand speech with background noise, remember instructions, enjoy music

8.3. Difficulty bonding to sound, understanding things told, concentrating, expressing self with speech.

8.3.1. Managing disorder: auditory training. Reduce echo in rooms at home and school. Switch off radios and other noise sources. Noise cancelling headphones with a receiver, while teacher wears microphone. Teachers/others should speak only when they have student's attention, face to face, speak clearly and slowly, emphasise key points when speaking, repeat if necessary.

8.4. Auditory Processing Disorder is when the hearing caused by the brain is not processing sounds in the normal way.

9. References Auditory processing disorder - NHS Choices. (2015, May 20). Retrieved May 20, 2017, from Categories of Disability Under IDEA | Center for Parent Information and Resources. (2012, March). Retrieved from

10. Deaf-Blindness

10.1. Use of early intervention services

10.1.1. Get referral from pediatrition to a nearby hospital.

10.1.2. Baby and toddler intervention and special education from age 4 is free

10.2. Contact school to find info. about access to services. Contact CPIR

10.3. Definition

10.3.1. ...concomitant [simultaneous] hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes such severe communication/developmental and educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for children with deafness or children with blindness. [§300.8(c)(2)]

11. Deafness/Hearing Loss

11.1. 4 Types of Hearing loss:

11.1.1. Conductive, Sensorineural, Mixed, Central. permanent or fluctuating

11.2. Help

11.2.1. Special Services: early intervention, Spec. Ed. and related services. Relay Services: Dial 711

11.2.2. Financial services, Medicaid: Evaluation free Periodic screening

11.3. Varying degrees

11.3.1. Slight, mild, moderate, severe, profound Very early detection/treatment to avoid eventual developmental delays

11.4. Educational Implications

11.4.1. Speech, language and auditory training

11.4.2. Amplification systems

11.4.3. Interpreter and sign language

11.4.4. Caption films, videos, favorable seating

11.4.5. Note taker, regarding instructions

11.4.6. Alternate communication methods sign language, counseling

12. Emotional Disturbance

12.1. Anxiety, bipolar, conduct, eating, obsessive-compulsive, and psychotic disorders

12.1.1. For special education guidance refer to the CPIR website:

12.2. Person's thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others and daily functioning disturbance

12.2.1. Possible hyperactivity, aggression, self injurious behavior, withdrawal, immaturity, learning difficulties, distorted thinking, bizarre motor actions present

13. Intellectual Disability

13.1. Limitations in mental functioning

13.1.1. Weak communication, self-care, social skills, walking, speaking Learning takes longer

13.2. Signs

13.2.1. Physical and verbal skills develop late

13.2.2. Trouble understanding social rules and finances

13.2.3. Trouble thinking logically, solving problems, seeing consequences of their actions

13.3. Diagnosis

13.3.1. Measure adaptive behavior

13.3.2. Measure intellectual functioning, IQ 70-75

13.4. Early diagnosis and intervention!

13.4.1. Training Adaptive Skills Transition planning geared toward future Parents and Teachers both have to train child These children have a special light

14. Mulitple Disabilities

14.1. Diagnosis and early intervention

14.1.1. Special schooling starting at 3

14.2. Need special training for multiple disbilities

14.2.1. Support in major life activities Caring for self, maual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, walking, standing, lifting, bending Movement to music, clapping, puttingon/taking off clothes, mouth exercizes Communicating, speaking, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, working repeating words in a poem, pointing to objects, enuniation exercises

14.3. Example: Intellectual and Orthopedic impairment

14.4. Parents need financial and psychological support and training to help child.

14.4.1. Parents work closely with professionals Network with professionals and parents groups are necessary

14.5. CASE: Fotis was born almost completely paralyzed, could hardly swallow or make noises and had an abnormal visage. Years of physical therapy, 14 operations on his legs and a 75 year old grandmother that had one goal, to get him talking and walking, helped him become mobile and he was able to go to school. He also had a team made up of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dietician, loving teachers and family, that wouldn't give up. The doctors did not know this, since he could hardly talk except for slirs, but Fotis was a highly intellectual little boy. He accelled in school, especially in mathematics. He was given ample time to write his assignments, because of his slow fingers. He graduated from Boston, College and now works in the accounting department of the Bank of Boston!

15. Other Health Impairments OHI

15.1. Asthma, ADHD, epilepsy, heart condition, hemophilia, diabetes

15.1.1. Juvenile Arthritis, leukemia, nephritis, anemia, Tourette's syndrome, etc.

15.2. Time lost from learning due to medical care

15.2.1. Dr's visits

15.2.2. Taking medications during school hours

15.3. Accomodation implemented by IEP team

15.3.1. Movement reduction, care in movement, lowered stress levels in class

15.3.2. avoidance of loud noises, special seating, Jennifer has Aspergers and ADHD and her senses can start running wild, leading to uncontrollable meltdowns. Her senses are quickly overloaded, therefore she is seated away from the door and windows. A curtain shades her. She is allowed to wear silencing earphones almost throughout the day,except when she should be participating. If she is feeling wound up, she gives her teacher a hand signal and she is allowed to take a walk to the end of the school, drink some water from the fountain and come back. With her new plan, her meltdown are reduce from 2/week to one a month.

15.3.3. first aid in case of attack, safety planning

15.3.4. Guaranteed learning at time of long absence/hospitalization Assignment brought from school to home/hospital Transition planning when child returns

16. Specific Learning Disability

16.1. Problems with reading, writing, listening, speaking and reasoning skills

16.1.1. Trouble learning alphabet, rhyming words, mistakes when reading aloud, not understanding reading, learning vocabulary

16.1.2. Trouble understanding jokes, sarcasm, following directions, organizing materials, not knowing how to begin task Social learning strategies by Garcia Winner

16.2. Dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalcula

16.2.1. Mispronouncing, confused with math symbols, misreading numbers

16.2.2. Spelling problems, messy writing, trouble expressing ideas in writing, trouble retelling a story in order break down concepts into chunks

16.3. Early diagnosis and training by specialist and parents

16.4. School

16.4.1. special school materials and color-coding

16.4.2. More time allowed for tests, simplified directions

16.4.3. Assistive technology,