The Elements of Scrum

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The Elements of Scrum por Mind Map: The Elements of Scrum

1. Principles & Values

1.1. 4 Agile tenents

1.1.1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

1.1.2. Working software over comprehensive documentation

1.1.3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

1.1.4. Responding to change over following a plan

1.2. 5 Scrum values

1.2.1. Focus

1.2.2. Courage

1.2.3. Openness

1.2.4. Commitment

1.2.5. Respect

2. Concepts

2.1. Potentially Shippable Product

2.2. Cadence

2.3. User story

2.4. Acceptance criteria

2.5. Velocity

2.6. Burndown

2.7. Team capacity

2.8. Timeboxed events

3. Artifacts

3.1. Definition of Done

3.2. Backlog

3.2.1. Requirements (user stories, etc.)

3.2.2. Bug

3.2.3. Impediment

3.2.4. Features & Epics (large requirements)

3.3. Sprint backlog

3.4. Sprint Goal

4. Events / Practices

4.1. Sprint

4.2. Sprint planning

4.3. Daily Scrum (daily standup)

4.4. Sprint review

4.5. Sprint retrospective

4.6. Backlog grooming

5. Roles

5.1. Product owner

5.2. Development team

5.3. Scrum master

5.4. Other stakeholders

6. Overview

6.1. A lightweight framework, not a process

6.2. Self-regulating process

6.3. The team strives to continually improve its behavior and practices. It's the mentality that's foundational!

6.4. Agile

6.5. Benefits

6.5.1. Predictability

6.5.2. Visibility / Transparency

6.6. Good for projects..

6.6.1. With high amount of complexity

6.6.2. With aggressive deadlines

6.6.3. With high level of risk

6.7. Not good for projects...

6.7.1. Where priorities change daily

6.7.2. Where team composition changes regularly

6.7.3. Transparency is not encouraged