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1. Confusion of Sex & Gender

1.1. Essentialism

1.1.1. The phenomeanan are natural, inevitable, universal and biological determined

1.2. Biological Determinism

1.2.1. Humans with particular traits also have particular behavioural, psychological, intellectual and moral traits

1.2.2. Inseparately connected to the physical and it is innate and permanent

2. The Relationship

2.1. Gender is too variable and determined by sex

2.2. Sex cant't be determined by gender

2.2.1. Why? If does, we only have two sexes that match with gender

2.3. Sex and Gender Roles

2.3.1. Physical sex differences does not allow us to predict the roles in given society

2.4. Sex & the No of Genders

2.4.1. Not always perceived as discrete binary opposites, it is continuum

2.4.2. Eg : Mohave 4, Lakota 5 & Chukchi 7

2.5. The relationship is not necessary but contingent

3. Gender

3.1. Introduced by feminist, 1970s

3.1.1. Sex (biology) is difficult to change

3.1.2. Gender is cultural, can easily change

3.2. Defined by social construct

3.2.1. social, cultural & psychological traits

3.2.2. Called as Masculine Feminine

3.3. Primary aspect of personal and social identity

3.4. Something we do

3.4.1. Performance

3.4.2. Work

3.5. Dynamic

3.6. Within constraints of society

4. Meaning of Sex Categories

4.1. Cultural universal

4.1.1. Sex bodies has no meaning and we guve them

4.1.2. Culturally specific

4.1.3. Bio differences between sex are minuscule (small) compared to cultural differences

5. Sex

5.1. The observable physical characteristics

5.1.1. Chromosomes

5.1.2. Hormone Production

5.1.3. Genitals

5.2. Also included secondary sex characteristics

5.2.1. Appear at sexual maturity & puberty

5.2.2. Eg : Breast

5.3. Not a universal view

5.3.1. Western : Binary Opposition

5.3.2. New Guinea : Intersex as a third sex

6. Sex Categories

6.1. 2 sexes

6.2. 3 sexes

6.2.1. male

6.2.2. female

6.2.3. intersex

6.3. Intersexes

7. Sexual Dimorphism

7.1. Differences in male n female's biology

7.1.1. Size

7.1.2. Teeth

7.1.3. Face

7.2. Human evolution has decreased

8. Characteristic of Sex

8.1. Continuous

8.1.1. Vary is size, shape & morphology

8.1.2. Social interaction Express what we know & feel Maintain order

8.1.3. Sex categories don't have the beginning and ending

8.2. Social Constructs

8.2.1. Human decided

8.2.2. Eg : Doctors's decision in differentiate sex

8.3. Sex Assignment

8.3.1. Chromosomal Genetic Sex (XX/XY) Regardless to phenotypic manifestation

8.3.2. Gonadal Gonadal tissue presented Ovarian Testicular

8.3.3. Morphological Morphology of external genital Endpoints of normal sex differentiation

8.3.4. Phenotypic Endocrine influences Male & Female Hormone