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REST APIs by Mind Map: REST APIs

1. Future

1.1. GraphQL

1.2. Authentication

2. Security

2.1. Usage metering

2.2. Authorisation

2.2.1. Access control

2.2.2. Throttling

2.3. Pen test

2.4. Static code analysis

2.5. WAF

3. Testing

3.1. Unit

3.2. E2e

4. Caching

5. Tooling

5.1. SDK Generators

6. Documentation

7. Development

7.1. Technology

7.1.1. RAD

7.1.2. Resource efficiency

7.1.3. Scalability

7.1.4. Reliability

7.2. Maintainence

7.2.1. Release Management Versioning

7.2.2. Documentation

7.2.3. Instrumentation and insights

7.3. Maturity

7.3.1. Self-documenting

7.3.2. Semantics

8. Performance

8.1. Batch Inserts and updates

8.1.1. Bad design issues