Concept of Knowledge (Ilm') in Islam

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Concept of Knowledge (Ilm') in Islam por Mind Map: Concept of Knowledge (Ilm') in Islam

1. Objective of Seeking Knowledge

1.1. To provide further in the development of the Ummah

1.1.1. "O Allah! Make my Ilm profitable for me, give me knowledge which is profitable and add in my knowledge.” (Tirmidhi, Da‘awat, 128)

1.1.2. “O Allah! I seek your refuge from useless knowledge.”( Tirmidhi, Da‘awat, 68)

1.2. Achieving Duniawi & Ukhrawi happiness

1.2.1. Surah al-Baqarah:201

1.3. To distinguish right & wrong

1.4. To seek's Allah pleasure

2. Adab & Knowledge Acquisition

2.1. Purify soul

2.2. Minimise affairs of the world

2.3. Be humble "khidmah" towards teacher

2.4. Accepting the different opinion

2.5. Examine knowledge with 'Ilm

2.6. Start to learn the important knowledge (Fard 'Ain)

3. Level of Certainty

3.1. Certainty, conviction

3.2. Accords with reality

3.3. 'Ayn al-Yaqin (observation)

3.4. 'Ilm al-Yaqin (knowledge)

3.5. Haqq al-Yaqin (experience)

4. Diferrences between knowledge & Information

4.1. Knowledge

4.1.1. 'Ilm (Knowledge) is an all-embracing term covering theory,education, and action.

4.1.2. Western: Knowledge is information about something, be it divine or corporeal.

4.1.3. Involves a personal experiences

4.1.4. Can be shared but perceived differently.

4.1.5. Made up of factors such as information, beliefs, and experiences.

4.2. Information

4.2.1. General data expressed by numbers, words, images, and sound.

4.2.2. Can be shared, much more easy to be understood by people.

4.2.3. Perceived differently

5. Definitions

5.1. The arrival (HUSUL) in the soul of the meaning of a thing or an object of knowledge and the arrival (WUSUL) of the soul at the meaning of a thing or object of knowledge.

5.2. Literally

5.2.1. Al-Ma'rifah = Knowing by experiment

5.2.2. Al-Fiqh = understanding

5.2.3. Tadabbur = Observation

5.2.4. Basiran = Mental Perception

5.2.5. Tazakkur = Remembrance

5.2.6. Tafakkur = Thought

5.3. Technically

5.3.1. Realisation of the meanings of things (Al-Ghazzali)

5.3.2. Obtainment of the ma'na of an object in the soul and its arrival at the meaning (Al-Attas)

5.3.3. A firm belief that accords with the reality of things (Surah Muhammad : 19) Theology ('Aqidah) Principles of Jurispudence (Usul Fiqh)

5.3.4. To know, to understand, to perceive, to be familiar, and acquainted with things

6. Opposite of Knowledge

6.1. Zhon (Conjecture)

6.2. Syak (Doubt)

6.3. Jahl (Ignorance)

6.4. Safn (Foolishness)

6.5. Dholal (Misguidance)

7. Importance of Knowledge

7.1. 1. The first revelation to the Messenger of Allah (Al-’Alaq: 1- 5).

7.2. 2 Parallel with the man’s obligation as a khalifah. (Al-Baqarah: 30-33).

7.3. 3 Seeking knowledge (Fard 'Ain) is obligatory on every Muslim. (Hadith)

7.4. 4 Allah created & provided man with the tools for acquiring knowledge. (al-Nahl: 78)

7.5. 5. Knowledge is a prerequisite for authentic peace. (Maryam: 122)