Tampa Bay Transition Town documentary

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Tampa Bay Transition Town documentary by Mind Map: Tampa Bay Transition Town documentary

1. Environment

1.1. Climate Change

1.2. Habitat Destruction

1.3. Pollution

1.4. Water issues

2. Energy

2.1. Peak Oil

2.2. Minerals

2.3. EROEI

3. Economy

3.1. Monetary/Market

3.1.1. P+ I

3.1.2. Money = Debt

3.2. Debt

3.2.1. Foreclosures

3.3. Demographics

3.3.1. Baby Boomes

3.3.2. Millenials

4. Global Trends, Local Choices Loss of Complexity = simple is the solution. The 21st century will transition to a more localized bio-regional centered to deal with the constraints of peak oil/climate change. We can catalyze this with the creation of Transition Towns throughout Tampa Bay.

5. Growing Awareness

5.1. Tampa Bay wide Film showings

5.2. Green Festivals

5.3. Workshops

6. Local Food

6.1. Food Coops

6.2. Market Gardens

7. Financial Permaculture

7.1. TimeBank

7.2. Local Currency

7.3. Social Ethical Investing

7.4. Crowd Sourcing

8. Succession Retrofits

8.1. Permablitz

8.2. Energy Efficiency retrofits

8.3. Co-Housing Ventures

8.4. Eco-Villages within Suburbia

9. Bio-Regional Mass Transit

9.1. Light Rail system

9.2. Carshares

10. Local Energy

10.1. Bio-Fuels

10.1.1. Bio-mass

10.1.2. Algae

10.2. Solar Power

10.2.1. Solar Thermal

10.2.2. Solar Photovoltaics

10.3. Conservation