Introduction to computer
by สถาบัญ ถนอมสุข
1. What Is a Computer
1.1. Computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of insteuctions stored in its own memory
1.2. Collects data (input)
1.3. Produces information (output)
1.4. Processing
2. The Components of a Computer
2.1. Input Device
2.2. Output Device
2.3. Sัััystem Unit
2.4. Storage Device
2.5. Communicationc Device
3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers
3.1. Speed
3.2. Reilability
3.3. Consistency
3.4. Storage
3.5. Communications
4. Networks and the Internet
4.1. Communcate
4.2. Research and Access Information
4.3. Shop
4.4. Bank and Invest
4.5. Online Trading
4.6. Entertainment
4.7. Download Music
4.8. Share Video
4.9. Wed Application
5. Categories of Computers
5.1. Personal compu
5.1.1. PC
5.2. Mobile computer and mobile devices
5.2.1. Notebook computer
5.2.2. Tablet PC
5.2.3. Smart phone
5.2.4. PDA
5.2.5. Digital camera
5.3. Game Consoles
5.4. Servers
5.5. Mainframes
5.6. Supercomputer
6. Computer Software
6.1. Software
6.1.1. System Software
6.1.2. Application Software