by andrew takacs

1. World War II
1.1. hitler
1.1.1. German leader
1.1.2. hated jews
1.1.3. genocide
1.2. atomic bomb
1.2.1. used on Japan
1.2.2. ended the war
1.3. major battles
1.3.1. battle of Britain
1.3.2. battle of Dunkirk
1.4. contries involved
1.4.1. Italy
1.4.2. Germany
1.4.3. France
1.4.4. United States
1.4.5. Japan
1.4.6. Austria Hungary
1.4.7. Britain
1.4.8. Russia
1.5. axis and allies
1.6. took place primarily in europe
2. World War I
2.1. war of attrition
2.2. trench ware fare
2.3. Germany attempted to take over europe
2.4. allies
2.4.1. sided against germany
2.4.2. Unitied States
2.4.3. France
2.4.4. Britain
2.4.5. Beat Germany
2.4.6. Russia
3. Industrial revolution
3.1. new machines
3.2. step away from agricultural
3.3. letter assignment
3.4. debates
3.5. new inventions
3.6. step toward normal world we live in
4. post World War II
4.1. TOV
4.1.1. left Germany unsatisfied
4.1.2. Gave them huge reperations
4.1.3. New node
4.2. Europe is financially ruined
4.3. loss of colonies in african
4.4. UN is formed
4.5. many new countries
4.5.1. Africa
4.5.2. Asia
4.5.3. Europe
5. Cold War
5.1. Russia and United States
5.2. fought with spying
5.3. Cuban Missle Crises
5.3.1. Russia brought nuclear weapons in range of US