PIYN 2011: New Zealand Business Resources

This presentation is from a workshop developed by Helen Baxter, Mohawk Media for the People in Your Neighbourhood project from the British Council in New Zealand, to enable young urban artists to produce, promote and sell their work. http://piyn.net

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PIYN 2011: New Zealand Business Resources by Mind Map: PIYN 2011: New Zealand Business Resources

1. Published by Helen Baxter, Mohawk Media, NZ under a Creative Commons, Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike (BY-NC-SA) License. You can share, remix and republish this work for non commercial use, as long as you give attribution and publish using the same CC license.

2. Videos

2.1. Collaboration in the 21st Century

2.1.1. Sir Ken Robinson

2.1.2. 5:59

2.2. Drive by Daniel Pink

2.2.1. 10:48

2.3. The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version)

2.3.1. 4:34

2.4. Advice for Indie Artists from Derek Sivers (Founder, CDBaby)

2.4.1. 3:54

2.5. Derek Sivers of CD Baby on Music Career Perfection

2.5.1. 3:31

3. Marketing

3.1. Linked In

3.2. Mosaic NZ

3.2.1. http://www.mosaicnz.co.nz/

3.3. Scoop NZ

3.3.1. http://www.scoop.co.nz/

3.4. NZ AC Nielsen

3.4.1. http://nz.acnielsen.com/site/index.shtml

4. Business Sites

4.1. IRD

4.1.1. http://www.ird.govt.nz/

4.2. Companies House

4.2.1. http://www.companies.govt.nz/

4.3. Starting a Business

4.3.1. http://www.ird.govt.nz/yoursituation-bus/starting/structure/

4.4. NZ Cooperatives

4.4.1. http://nz.coop/

4.5. IPONZ

4.5.1. http://www.iponz.govt.nz/cms

4.6. Creative Commons

4.6.1. http://www.creativecommons.org.nz/

4.7. Business Planning

4.7.1. http://www.business.govt.nz/starting-up/writing-a-business-plan

4.7.2. http://www.companies.govt.nz/cms/how-do-i/do-business-in-new-zealand/a-business-plan

4.7.3. Plan HQ http://www.planhq.com/

4.8. Project Management

4.8.1. http://www.teamworkpm.net/index.cfm

4.9. GST

4.9.1. http://www.ird.govt.nz/gst/

4.10. ACC

4.10.1. http://www.acc.co.nz

4.11. Privacy

4.11.1. http://privacy.org.nz/

4.12. OSH

4.12.1. http://www.osh.dol.govt.nz/

4.13. Department of Labour

4.13.1. Employment Relations http://dol.govt.nz/er/

4.13.2. Mediation http://www.dol.govt.nz/er/solvingproblems/resolving/mediation.asp

4.13.3. Problems http://www.dol.govt.nz/er/solvingproblems/index.asp

4.14. Payroll

4.14.1. http://www.ird.govt.nz/payroll-employers/make-deductions/

4.15. Accounts

4.15.1. http://xero.com

5. Funding

5.1. Bootstrappers Bible

5.1.1. http://changethis.com/manifesto/show/8.BootstrappersBible

5.2. IndieGoGo

5.2.1. http://www.indiegogo.com/

5.3. Sellaband

5.3.1. https://www.sellaband.com/

6. NZ Funding Contacts

6.1. Webfund

6.1.1. http://www.webfund.co.nz/

6.2. Creative HQ

6.2.1. http://www.creativehq.co.nz/

6.3. NZTE

6.3.1. http://www.nzte.govt.nz/get-ready-to-export/Starting-a-business/Pages/Join-a-business-incubator.aspx

6.3.2. http://www.nzte.govt.nz/develop-knowledge-expertise/investment-ready-Guide/Pages/Investment-Ready-Guide.aspx

6.3.3. http://www.nzte.govt.nz/find-funding-assistance/Pages/Find-Funding-Assistance.aspx

6.4. Escalator

6.4.1. http://www.angelassociation.co.nz/index.php/escalator-home

6.5. Incubators

6.5.1. https://www.incubators.org.nz/

6.6. Icehouse

6.6.1. http://www.theicehouse.co.nz/

6.7. VCapital

6.7.1. http://vcapital.co.nz/

6.8. Nz VIF

6.8.1. http://nzvif.com/

6.9. NZ VCA

6.9.1. http://nzvca.co.nz/

7. Freelance

7.1. Freelance contracts

7.1.1. http://www.acuitydesigns.net/freelance-contracts/

7.2. Design Briefs

7.2.1. http://freelanceswitch.com/clients/the-ultimate-design-brief/

7.3. http://freelanceswitch.com/general/101-essential-freelancing-resources/

7.4. http://www.smashingmagazine.com/category/workflow/

7.5. http://www.thebigidea.co.nz/work/enterprise-news/how-freelancers-can-succeed#

7.6. http://clientsfromhell.net/