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Radio Commercial por Mind Map: Radio Commercial

1. Why

1.1. why is your product a solution

1.1.1. Our solution is providing information and opportunity for listeners who are uninformed about the options to spend their money on.

1.2. why is it important

1.2.1. This is important because its teaching us how to use sound and different effects to correctly advertise when there is only audio present, and no visual.

2. how

2.1. How are you going to use the materials and tools?

2.1.1. We will use a mic, and stabilizer

2.2. How are you going to learn how to use all the required tools?

2.2.1. We already know how to use all the required tools.

3. What

3.1. What do you want to create?

3.1.1. We wanna create an informative and persuasive commercial that perfectly displays our product in an enticing way.

3.2. What will you need to find out?

3.2.1. We need to find out the history of our product so we can accurately advertise our product.

3.3. What stuff do you need?

3.3.1. We need the basics of what we use for most of our projects. A mic and recording format, garage band, and a laptop.

4. who

4.1. who is the target of your project?

4.1.1. The target would be consumers willing to buy and spend money on products, as well as our teacher and peers

4.2. who needs the product?

4.2.1. consumers of media that would hear about our product.