Mathematics , Miss Manning

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Mathematics , Miss Manning by Mind Map: Mathematics , Miss Manning

1. Functions

1.1. Linear

2. Equations

2.1. Order of Operation

2.2. Solving by elimination

2.3. Solving by substitution

2.4. Solving using matrices

3. Properties of exponents

4. Partner assignment

4.1. Hard

4.2. Long

4.3. Turtoise and Hare assignment

5. Graphing

5.1. Precise and accurate

6. Questions on the exam

6.1. Different word problems

6.2. Solving Equations

6.3. Graphing

6.4. Trigonometry

7. trigonometry


7.1.1. Sine Law

7.1.2. Cosine Law

7.1.3. Tangente

7.1.4. Inverse cosine

7.1.5. Inverse sine

7.1.6. Inverse tangente

8. Test and Quizzes

8.1. Long

8.2. Hard

8.3. Stressful

9. Pythagoras law

9.1. a^2 +b^2=c^2

10. Factoring