Social Constructivist Perspective

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Social Constructivist Perspective by Mind Map: Social Constructivist Perspective

1. Social Constructivist: constructing meaning yourself. As a pre-service teacher, need to consider the child’s sociocultural positioning to understand how they acquire literacy and what that meaning has for that student.

1.1. Allows students to establish a purpose for reading, make connections with what they are reading.

1.2. Allows students to use text structure and the genre to make sense of what they are reading and meaning.

1.3. Social constructivist perspective also allows students to use oral language to make meaning of what they are reading.

1.4. Social constructivist theory is focused on constructing meaning when reading.

1.5. Allows students to monitor their own comprehension and self correct when needed.

1.6. Allows students to use own funds of knowledge, identities and interest to direct their own meaning of reading.

2. Influence reading approach

2.1. This perspective allows the teacher to give students reading resources with an organized reading time, so the students have an opportunity to conduct their own learning with the appropriate resources and tools.

2.1.1. Guided Reading: this approach is beneficial because it allows students to build upon their learning, scaffolding. Social constructive perspective is linked to this approach as it allows students to draw on their funds of knowledge. This allows the student to direct their own meaning from the reading, helping them have a better understanding of the context.

2.1.2. Independent Reading: this approach allows students to practice reading independently. Allowing students to read what interest them. This approach would be influenced by the social constructive perspective because it allows students to monitor their own comprehension and self correct them selves. It also allows students to use text structure and the genre of what they are reading to make sense and meaning. Also allowing students to pick something that interest them allows them to make connections with the material.

2.2. This approach will give me the opportunity to demonstrate to students how reading is done, through shared reading or read aloud.As a pre-service teacher, I think it is important to demonstrate a positive relationship with reading, and the process of reading

2.2.1. Read Aloud: this approach is beneficial to the learner as the teacher is reading to the student, providing a positive role model of efficient reading. This also educates students on new vocabulary and enhances their comprehension. Social constructive perspective influences the read aloud approach because while the teacher is reading to the students it allows them to make connection to the meaning of what they are hearing and creating an understanding for ones self. Moving from explicit instruction to implicit instruction. As shared reading the teacher is teaching the skills and knowledge, then when you move to implicit the student is using their own skills and knowledge.

2.2.2. Shared Reading: this approach the teacher is reading with the students. In this approach the teacher is building a bridge from the known with the unknown. This approach is influenced by the social constructive perspective because it allows students to monitor their own comprehension and self correct when needed.