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The Coffee Shop by Mind Map: The Coffee Shop

1. Overall Quality

1.1. Excellent

1.2. Dissatisfactory

1.2.1. Watered down taste

2. Ambiance

2.1. Background

2.2. Organized merchandise

2.3. Presentable garnishing stand

2.4. Proper temperature

2.5. High ceiling

3. Garnishing Stand

3.1. Sweetener

3.2. Sleeves

3.3. Caps

4. Cleanliness

4.1. Dirty Floors

4.2. Messy Chairs

4.3. Clean Tables

5. Facility

5.1. 10x seats long table

5.2. 2x double tables

5.3. 10x seats counter

5.4. 3x patio tables

6. Products

6.1. Sandwiches

6.2. Panini

6.3. Cookies

6.4. Fruits

6.5. Cakes

6.6. Donuts

6.7. $4.00 Mocha

7. To Go

8. Staff

8.1. Cashier #1

8.1.1. Unfriendly

8.1.2. Tired Appearance

8.1.3. Not meaningful

8.2. Cashier #2

8.2.1. Friendly

8.2.2. Welcoming

8.3. 2x Baritas

8.3.1. Robotic

8.4. A 5th employee

8.4.1. Having coffee at the back

9. Service

10. Experience

10.1. Underwhelming

10.1.1. Unusually bad coffee

10.1.2. Poor customer service

10.1.3. Not justified

11. Customers

11.1. Martin

11.1.1. Matcha Latte

11.2. Rick

11.2.1. 3x Matcha

11.3. Me

11.3.1. Mocha

11.4. Berta

11.4.1. Black Coffee

11.5. Brad

11.5.1. Sandwich

11.6. Lauren

11.6.1. Black Coffee

11.7. Last lady

11.7.1. Salad

12. Time

12.1. In @5:45pm

12.2. Out @6:00pm