The Levels of SAMR

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The Levels of SAMR por Mind Map: The Levels of SAMR

1. 1. Substitution

1.1. Technology is used as a replacement to another task but the task itself remains the same.

1.2. EXAMPLE: Civics students complete GAP notes that were printed out and glued in their notebooks.

2. 2. Augmentation

2.1. Technology is used to improve the functionality of a task.

2.2. EXAMPLE: Civics students complete a webquest to learn about their state government.

3. 3. Modification

3.1. Technology is used in a classroom to allow for several common tasks to be completed in succession and improve the overall product of student work

3.2. EXAMPLE: Civics students are tasked with writing a letter to their congressman. Final letters are peer reviewed through google drive and then submitted to the teacher for a grade.

4. 4. Redefinition

4.1. Technology is used to allow students access to tasks inconceivable without it.

4.2. EXAMPLE: Civics students create a mock bill and send it to their classmates for "markup." Bills must include links to information that supports the bill. Committees then choose the bills they like and submit them to the Senate leader for a final vote with the changes made.