"Computers as Mindtools for Engaging Learners in Critical Thinking

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"Computers as Mindtools for Engaging Learners in Critical Thinking by Mind Map: "Computers as Mindtools for Engaging Learners in Critical Thinking

1. Dynamic Modeling Tools

1.1. Spreadsheets

1.2. Expert Systems

1.3. Systems Modeling Tools

1.4. Microworlds

2. Knowledge Construction Tools

3. Conversation Tools

4. Distributing Cognitive Processing

5. Semantic Organisation Tools

5.1. Databases

5.2. Semantic Networking

6. Information Interpretation Tools

6.1. Visualisation Tools

7. Hypermedia

8. Rationales for using Technology as Mindtools

8.1. Learners as Designers

8.1.1. New node

8.1.2. New node

8.2. Knowlege Construction, Not Reproduction

9. (Un)intelligent Tools

10. Cost and Effort Beneficial