Developing Lessons with Technology

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Developing Lessons with Technology by Mind Map: Developing Lessons with Technology

1. Approaches to Teaching

1.1. Student Learning Objectives

1.1.1. intended or planned outcomes of lessons

1.1.2. tell who, what, when, how much, and how it will be measured or evaluated

1.2. Understaning by Design

1.2.1. 1. Identifies desired results

1.2.2. 2. Determines acceptable evidence

1.2.3. 3. Plan learning experiences and instruction

1.3. Technology in Lesson Planning

1.3.1. use already assembled lesson plans online

1.3.2. educational wesites, TrackStar

2. Meeting Educational Standards

2.1. National Curriculum Frameworks

2.2. guide choices of what to teach

3. Assessing and Evaluating Students

3.1. 3 things that influence how teachers view assessment

3.1.1. teacher tests

3.1.2. standardized tests

3.1.3. personal experiences

3.2. perfomace assessments

3.2.1. use technology

3.2.2. student performance rubrics

3.2.3. assessing what a child can do within the context of that activity

3.3. test assessments

3.3.1. norm- referenced tasks compares a students' performance on test with students of the same age and grade level

3.3.2. criterion- reference tests compares students' performace to certain objectives or standards

3.3.3. electronic grading software

4. Lesson Development- activities

4.1. Academic Content

4.1.1. what to teach

4.1.2. facts, concepts, ideas, skills intended to share with students

4.1.3. technology plays key part- textbooks, books, internet resources

4.2. Teaching Goals, Methods, and Procedures

4.2.1. how to teach (presentation software, websites, podcasts, interactive software, etc.)

4.2.2. why the lesson is being taught

4.2.3. instructional strategies (group discussions, simulations, role-play, etc)

4.2.4. scheduling and grouping of students

4.3. Assessment and Evaluation

4.3.1. knowing what students have learned

4.3.2. learning assessments before, during, and after

4.3.3. electronic tests, portfolios, online surveys, etc.