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1. Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO)

2. Clarin - Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure

3. Dariah - Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities


5. NoC - Network of Expert Centres

5.1. Centre for e-Research (CeRch)

5.2. Centre for Computing in the Humanities (CCH)

5.3. Archaeology Data Service (ADS)

5.4. Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis (CDDA)

5.5. Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH)

5.6. Digital Design Studio (DDS)

5.7. Digital Humanities at Lancaster University

5.8. Digital Humanities Observatory (DHO)

5.9. History Data Service (HDS)

5.10. Humanities Advanced Technology & Information Institute (HATII)

5.11. Humanities Research Institute (HRI)

5.12. Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing (ITSEE)

5.13. Institute of Historical Research (IHR)

5.14. The Oxford Text Archive (OTA)

5.15. UCL Centre for Digital Humanities

5.16. Visual Arts Data Service (VADS)

6. EADH - European Association for Digital Humanities (former ALLC)

7. TEI - Text Encoding Initiative

8. SDH /SEMI - The Society for Digital Humanities / La Société pour l'Étude des Médias Interactifs

9. ELRA - European Language Resources Association

10. HASTAC -Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboration

11. DigitalhumanitiesNOW

12. centerNet

12.1. Centers

13. CHAIN: the Coalition of Humanities and Arts Infrastructures

14. TextGrid

15. Project Bamboo

16. ACH - Association for Computers and the Humanities

17. ACL - The Association for Computational Linguistics

18. TAPor

19. DiRT - Digital Research Tools

20. Perseus Digital Library

21. Voyeur


23. DHO - Digital Humanities Observatory

23.1. DHO:Discovery

23.2. DRAPIer: Digital Research And Projects in Ireland

23.3. IRITH: Irish Resources in the Humanities

23.4. The Doegen Records Web Project

24. CHNM Tools Center

25. Office of Digital Humanities