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Breanna! by Mind Map: Breanna!

1. O*Net

2. Multiple Intelligences

3. Learning Styles

4. Preferred Teaching Styles

5. Preferred Study Styles-Chapter 4

6. Realistic-8

7. Investigative-10

8. Artistic-12

9. Social-8

10. Enterprising-17, highest score

11. Conventional-2, lowest score

12. Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Intrapersonal- 20 points each

13. Verbal-Linguistic, Interpersonal, Naturalistic- 13 points each

14. Visual-Spatial-22 points

15. Environmental Preferences- quiet, bright light, cool temperature, formal seating

16. Psychological Preferences

17. Analytic/Global-integrated/ it depends

18. Reflective-moderate

19. Lecture-Chapter 4

20. Logical presentation-Chapter 4

21. Visual-Spatial-22

22. Musical-20

23. Successful Intelligence Assessment

24. Emotional Intelligence

25. Values

26. Personality Spectrum

27. Analytical skills- 31, needs improvement

28. Creative Thinking- 34

29. Practical Thinking-35

30. Emotional Intelligence quiz 70/100

31. Creative/Artistic Pursuits

32. Pursuing and Education

33. Family

34. Logical-Mathematical-15 points

35. Organizer-21 points

36. Adventurer-20 points

37. Giver-22 points

38. Thinker-17