Accountancy Business And Management

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Accountancy Business And Management por Mind Map: Accountancy Business And Management

1. Business Math

1.1. Problem solving

1.2. Excel in analytical thinking

1.3. Buying and Selling

2. Filipino

2.1. Application of learnings

2.2. Interpersonal skills

2.3. Thesis

3. Basic Accounting

3.1. Analyze business transactions

3.2. Do things efficiently and right

3.3. Assets and Liabilities

4. Physical Science

4.1. Null Hypothesi

4.2. Null Hypothesis

4.3. Experiment before conclusions

4.4. Reactions

5. EmTech

5.1. Immerse with 21st century learning

5.2. Be Creative


6. English 2

6.1. Read more

6.2. Develop writing skills

6.3. Establish decent rapport

6.4. Practice proper communication

7. Statistics & Probability

7.1. Better decision-making

7.2. Analyzing data

7.3. Understanding distribution

7.4. Analyzing data

7.5. Understanding distribution

8. Physical Education

8.1. Sports

8.2. Badminton

8.3. Live healthy

9. Organization Management

9.1. Work systematically and orderly

9.2. Be an efficient and effective leader

9.3. Set goals and perceive to achieve them