Cell Division: Mitosis Style

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Cell Division: Mitosis Style by Mind Map: Cell Division: Mitosis Style

1. 1.) Prophase

1.1. The newly duplicated DNA begins to clump thread together forming chrromosomes

1.2. Each half of the 'x' we see when looking at chromosomes are called chromatids

1.2.1. The Middle part is called the centromere

1.3. The centrosomes go to opposite ends of the cell and create a 'web' with microtubules as the cell's walls disintegrate

2. 3.) Anaphase

2.1. Motor Proteins pull on the chromosomes so hard that the Chromosomes are pulled into individual 'I' shapes chromatids

2.1.1. The Centrosomes pull each set of chromatids to either side of the cell

3. 4.) Telophase

3.1. Here, Cell structures are reformed

3.1.1. Chromosomes revert back to chromatin

3.1.2. Nuclear Membrance and Nucleoli reform

3.2. After cell structures reform, the cell (at last) Splits into two new cells

4. Pro tip: Before Cells begin to divide, their mature 'base' form is known as Interphase!

5. 2.) Metaphase

5.1. Here, Centrosomes attach to the chromosomes at their centromeres

5.2. The Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell using motor proteins