Learning continuum

The pedagogical strategy of TUAS is based on innovation pedagogy, and it is applied in all study fields we offer.

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Learning continuum por Mind Map: Learning continuum

1. Flexible curricula

1.1. Competency-based curricula

1.2. Modular structures

1.3. 365 year around studies

1.4. Recognition of prior studies

2. Activating learning and teaching methods

2.1. Methods in e-learning

2.1.1. e-Learning tools

2.2. Peer teaching

2.3. Project learning

2.3.1. Project learning environments

2.4. Entrepreneurship Incubator

2.5. Team Learning

3. Integration between studies and RDI activities

3.1. Information retrieval

3.2. Recognition of prior learning acquired at work

3.3. Thesis

4. Entrepreneurship

5. Working-life orientation

5.1. Practical training

6. The background of Innopeda

7. Why Innopeda?

8. Innopeda - Learning continuum

9. Multidisciplinarity

9.1. Budget

9.1.1. Materials

9.1.2. Personel

9.1.3. Services

9.1.4. Duration

9.2. Delivery Timeline

9.3. Requirements

10. Renewing teacher roles

11. Internationalization

11.1. Strategy for Internalization

11.2. Supporting Exchange

11.2.1. Included

11.2.2. Included

11.2.3. Excluded

11.3. International practical training

11.4. Multicultural Learning Environments

11.5. Studying in English

12. Versatile and development-oriented assessment

12.1. e-portfolio

12.1.1. Dependencies

12.1.2. Milestones